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Friday, May 31, 2024

Rant #3,362: Sledgehammer

Today, I would like to talk about the concept of "pain" on a variety of levels.

I suffered a little bit of a setback at physical therapy yesterday--

But that being said, I am not that concerned.

Sitting flat on my bed about two hours before my session, I felt pain in my left leg--specifically in my left knee--for the very first time since this nightmare began all those many months ago.

It came so suddenly--and left equally as quickly--that I barely had time to think about it.

It was not excruciating pain, but it was pain--

And it came back two more times before I went to physical therapy--again, not excruciating, but when you haven't felt any pain in the effected area for so many months--or ever, in my case--it does make you sit up and take notice.

I went to physical therapy, went on the stationary bike, and I was in a bit of pain, and could not propel the the bike at the level which I had reached just the other day: 17/18.

The bike was adjusted, and I almost forced myself to propel the bike's pedals forward at 18, but I did it.

My entire leg felt very tired as I moved from the bike to do my other exercises, and my leg hurt when I did the leg press.

I was not only given ice when my session was over after about an hour and 45 minutes--which is normal for the end of my session--but my leg was hooked up to a machine, with electrodes on my knee, to further soothe that area.

When I drove home to drop my wife off and then drove to pick up my son from work, I felt the knee pain two or three additional times.

Later, i went on the computer for about an hour and 45 minutes, I felt the knee pain two or three times, and afterward into the night, I felt the pain a couple of times.

My physical therapist said that she believes that I have scar tissue in my knee--the doctor said the same thing when I saw him a few weeks ago--and thst I might be feeling that.

She also said that after all of these months since the injury, my leg might actually be getting better--which it is--and that all the natural connections in the knee are beginning to function again, and that is why I might be feeling some minor pain in that area for the very first time.

i know that I am moving around a bit more with the injury, even when I am in bed.

i can kind of sleep on my left and right sides now--

One of the reasons i was not sleeping was because for the first six months of this nightmare, i could only sleep on my back, which was totally uncomfortable for me.

Now, i am bouncing around a little more, and i even brushed into my wife while sleeping on Wednesday night, each time waking myself up but happily, my wife didnt get up.

The physical therapist believes that all of this activity might have "woken up" various connections in my knee, and the pain i am feeling at very quick intervals might not necessarily be a "bad" thing.

Nonetheless, whether good or bad, I now have to take notice of it, because it is something that i am not used to.

I am not worried; I felt a wee bit of pain in my left knee before all of this happened, caused by bursitis, so perhaps this malady has reared its ugly presence again.

No pain, no gain, I guess.

If it was constant pain, then I would be concerned, but it comes and goes at such brief intervals that I will get through it.

If I am getting through all that I have been through, these brief blips are certainly not going to stop me.

And I know, the pain, the pain ...

The pain I have is nothing like the pain former President Trump is feeling as he heard the guilty verdict on all 34 counts of felony charges that were launched against him.

That pain is different than what I have, but like me, the pain that he is suffering when these verdicts were made will all turn into gravy later on.

Not only won't he ever see a jail cell--the logistics of jailing him would be impossible to navigate, so I believe he will get probation when he is sentenced in July--but in several months, he will call the White House home again--

As I am convinced now, more than ever, that he will be our next president.

All these guilty verdicts do--however valid they are--is to make him a more sympathetic figure than he already was, and even though I won't vote for him under any circumstances, you just know that Trump will make diamonds from coal.

Like I have said about myself and now about Trump--

No pain, no gain.

Take that opinion for what it is, but we have six months to decide if we want a convicted felon as our president, versus an extremely weak president who is running a country that is fractured, at best.

On November 5, people will decide whether this trial's result was important enough to derail a presidential bid, or not.

However horrible I feel about saying this, I think not.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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