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Friday, May 17, 2024

Rant #3,354: Rock You Like a "Hurri-Cane"

I received the OK from my doctor/surgeon to get rid of the crutches and use the cane--

In fact, he was surprised that, at this point, I was using anything to help me get around.

And ironically, when I put gas in my car this morning prior to going to the doctor, I forced myself to not use anything when I paid the clerk.

It was rainy and windy, and I just took everything extra slow.

There was a sobering moment with the doctor.

He looked me over, asked me how I felt as I moved my leg around, and he said to me the following:

"You are doing fine. I don't think it would pay to open you up again and clean away anything in there.

"This might be as good as it gets for you. Just keep going to physical therapy and see how it all works out."

I am not in pain ... in fact, I am darn lucky, because many people are in a lot of pain with this injury.

Do I feel it? 

You bet I do. There is a definite difference between my right leg, the good one, and the left leg, the bad one.

Right now as I am typing this out, I feel a little throbbing in the left leg.

But if this is as good as it gets, I can live with it.

However, I am now out to prove to the doctor that there is still a lot of improvement that I can experience, and the way I feel now is just a stepping stone to me reaching the next level of my rehab ... 

And how I feel now is not "as good as it gets."

There is still more good coming, if I continue to work like I am doing.

I am never going to feel like I was 25 years of age again, but you never know ... I will take the reverse--age 52--and take it from there.

I helped my wife do some food shopping after seeing the doctor, and after paying for what we purchased, I inadvertently dropped some change on the floor.

I would be lying if I said that it was easy bending down as far as I could to retrieve the coins, but I managed to get them all, even though admittedly, I did feel it a bit afterward.

But I was able to do it, and that is something that there is no way I could have done just a few weeks back.

Maybe the doctor was using reverse psychology when he stated that the way I am now might be "as good as it gets," but whatever the case, I am going to use that as motivation to not accept this, and when I see him again in August, I am going to be a whole lot better than I am now.

As I mentioned, I can live with it as it is, but I won't accept this until I have to accept this--

And I am far from being at that point now.

Onward and upward!

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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