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Friday, May 24, 2024

Rant #3,358: Up, Up and Away

Today is the Friday before Memorial Day, and everyone seems to be getting busy as we approach the unofficial beginning of summer.

I think we often forget what Memorial Day is all about.

What we think it is about--picnics, swimming, barbecues, vacationing and the summer--are only byproducts of what the day is really all about.

Let’s go back to what I said about the holiday and its true meaning. Here is an edited version of what I wrote about the holiday in Rant #970, May 24, 2013:

Coming up on Monday is Memorial Day, the day we honor those who have served, and gave their lives, for our country in the numerous wars we have fought leading up to our country's creation in 1776 and beyond.

Once known as Decoration Day, the holiday falls every year on the last Monday in May.

In recent years--or for as long as I can remember--Memorial Day has taken on a different meaning.

Not to knock our service men and women--who continue to protect our country from unimaginable peril each and every day--the holiday means so many other things now.

First of all, many of us have off on that day.

Memorial Day also signals the beginning of the summer season.

Notice I say "the summer season," because summer actually doesn't come for several weeks after, in late June. But it signals warmth, hot nights and days, and so the holiday is thought of as sort of a gateway to summer and all the fun that that season brings.

And finally, Memorial Day generally signifies the day when many of us have our very first barbecue of the year.

Honestly, I can taste those hot dogs right now!"

We should thank our service members for allowing us to live the way we do, and for the privileges that we have because of their sacrifices.

To me, Memorial Day of last year was a barbecue day, the final barbecue i will ever grill at, because our current development doesn't really have a place where we can do this privately.

They have an area for picnics and barbecues, but it isnt private, and if i am going to do that, i might as well do it at a nesrby park ... which at this point on my life, isn't happening.

Last year's final barbecue included my mom, and within three months or so, she had left us.

She always enjoyed barbecues, so I am happy that we had that last one, for her.

Otherwise, as I said yesterday, my family and I are going to be looking for portable air conditioners this weekend, and hopefully, there will be holiday sales to help us out a little bit.

Otherwise, this is what my family calls "a lucha weekend," which means that there will be professional wrestling all weekend, via two pay-per-view shows, and you just know that my son will be watching these from beginning to end.

Me, I will try to watch, but I am sure I will also be on snooze control during these events, as I usually fall asleep during these shows.

We will ne nearer to the annual Bethpage Air Show than ever before, and as I write this Rant out, the Blue Angels pilots are practicing their maneuvers right above us.

Talk about onward and upward!

So this weekend will be what it is and has always been ...

But let's give our servicec men and women the salute that they deserve, because without their efforts, we would be nowhere.

Have a great weekend and a super holiday, and I will speak to you again on Tuesday.

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