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Monday, May 6, 2024

Rant #3,345: Oh My My

With all that is going on, it kind of escaped my mind that on May 4, The Ranting and Raving Blog celebrated its 15th anniversary.

The well-worn story goes that I decided I needed an outlet to write about what I wanted to write about, and I created the blog for just that purpose.

Little did I realize the depth and breadth of the blog experience, and that so many people would read what I had to say during weekdays, either here at the blog site or on Facebook.

I have written on so many different subjects over 15 years and more than 3,300 posts, but there are always so many more things to write about.

Some topics are written about much more than others.

Lately, the rise of anti-Semitism in the country, and worldwide, has been spotlighted here over other topics, but honestly, if you go back through all of the blog entries, this subject has been written about since almost the beginning here.

It is a subject that I take seriously and personally, and I really wish more people--not just non-Jews, but also my fellow Jews--would take this subject more seriously.

If I can even nudge someone to open up their eyes on this subject, then I think I have done my job.

Another subject that has taken precedence during the past six months has been my physical health.

I went from someone who, very luckily, never really had to worry too much about my health to someone who could barely move from my bed.

My life changed in a millisecond, and it changed again in a millisecond when it happened for the second time.

I have described it all to you, and again, I have repeated this many times, but although I am so much better than I was six months ago, I still have at least seven more months to really get back to where I was.

There are no guarantees that I will get to that point, but if I continue to work hard, maybe I can actually get to that point and put it all behind me--

But I will never forget what happened ... all I have to do is look at the six-inch scar on my left leg, and that will bring me back to reality.

Not every post here is of such magnitude, and I do like to joke around here and there and talk about lighter subjects, such as my record collection.

Let me tell you, my hobbies have always gotten me through thick and thin, and my record collection got me through the psst six months--the loss of my car, my mother, my home, my mobility and my sanity, in no particular order.

I could always go to that collection for some solace, some relaxation--

Much like coming to this blog every weekday and writing, and writing, and writing some more.

When I have insomnia, I write.

When I feel a little down, I write.

When I feel happy, I write.

And that isn't going to change.

I might write myself into the ground, but if that happens, at least I will be doing something that I enjoy doing at my demise.

But I feel great right now, even with my bad leg, and I have no plans to leave the building just yet.

There is just so much more to say, and I like those of you reading what I have to say, coming with me for the ride.

You don't have to agree with everything I say, and that is fine.

Unless it gets repetitious or ridiculous, go ahead and disagree with me.

And if you agree, let me hear about it.

I do this blog for fun, I make no money from it, and while I don't have thousands of followers, that is fine with me.

It keeps it cozy.

So happy 15th anniversary to The Ranting and Raving Blog ...

And please come back for more good stuff tomorrow.

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