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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Rant #3,360: Bat-Man

I had another good physical therapy session on Tuesday. 

I have to say that I am really surprising myself with what I can do ...

But I know there are many more challenges that I need to hurdle.

On another note, I just heard that there is a terror threat against the cricket match planned to be held in a few weeks right in my neck of the woods on Long Island.

Nassau County's Eisenhower Park is the site of the match, which will be held in a prefabricated, modular stadium that will be taken down after the cricket championships are held there.

One match, in particular, thst has gotten the terrorists all bent out of shape is the India-Pakistan match.

The stadium seats about 34,000 fans, and upwards of a billion people are going to be watching on television around the world, so authorities believe thst these terrorists--Isis this time--want maximum bang for their buck, and their threats are meant to rile up these crazy idiots around the world.

I have to tell you, I know absolutely nothing about cricket.

I know that it is sort of a distant cousin of baseball, but I don't know much else about the sport, which is evidently immensely popular around the world.

I saw the bats that they use to play the game, and they appear to be thicker than baseball bats--

And let me tell you, if anyone gets out of line, these cricket bats would be perfect to take out any of these terrorists.

One hit to the head is all it would take!

But all kidding aside, these terrorists must be taken seriously.

They exist because the supposedly civilized world cannot--or will not--galvanize themselves together to get rid of these groups once and for all.

Just look at what Hamas has wrought in the Middle East ...

If the supposedly civilized world would have gotten together the day after the massacre Hamas perpetrated on innocent Israelis, nothing of what has happened afterward would have taken place.

But the supposedly civilized world let this cancer grow, and now, there is no turning back.

The window of opportunity is pretty much closed right now.

And what's worse, we have people in this country who appear to be terrorist groupies, who look at organizations like Hamas and Isis as humanitarian organizations.

I don't get it ... but you let this cancer fester, the illness spreads, and it becomes terminal.

We live in a bizzaro world right now, where right is wrong and wrong is right.

It is up to the supposedly civilized world to do something about this situation, but all they do is sit on their hands or participate in completely useless exercises--

Like recognizing a Palestinian State that will never exist because Hamas--and the Palestinians thenselves--don't want it.

They want the annihilation of Isrsel and all Jews, and the creation of a state simply won't do the job.

Why the supposedly civilized world keeps pushing this idiotic agenda--when the very people that it would generally affect don't want it--is beyond any thinking person's comprehension.

Heck, I don't understand cricket either, but there is no way I want to understand what drives people to be terrorists and to despise a specific population to the extent that they would sacrifice their own people to reach their goals.

The end justifies the means?

Yes, a cricket paddle applied to all the right places might just work--

Or it might just not.

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