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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Rant #3,343: Writing Wrongs

Three hundred arrests at Columbia University ... good. How many of these supposed "students" are actually being expelled?

But this baloney that the initial protests were "peaceful" is completely ridiculous.

According to news reports, Jewish students were being verbally and physically attacked just about from the beginning.

The police were only "allowed" to get involved because these thugs took over and vandalized a building on campus, and the Columbia president pretty much asked them to intercede.

Not a single mention of anti-Semitism through all the news conferences ... well Jewish students know exactly what they were put through by the anarchists, and they have asked the mayor to look into these anti-Israel protests.

The mayor and his flunkies deserve to be chastised, because they continue to claim thst these protests were "peaceful," but the Jewish students know better.

And yes, the protests have spread all over the country.

We have one that has sprung up here on Long Island at Stony Brook University, where encampments have seemingly risen from nowhere.

It is quite obvious that these protests are being financed by outside sources ... just look at the tents; they are all alike.

And you just know that professional protest mongers are pushing these terrorist groupies into an abyss that they cant escape from.

These pros know exactly what they are doing, coralling imbecile students in ways that will hurt them right now and into the future.

These pros are paid to further the agenda of whoever is paying them.

In fact, the NYPD has identified one gray-haired woman who is a regular rabble router who will participate at the drop of a hat, and another whose husband was deported for inciting such situations in the past.

The NYPD has announced that a significant percentage of those that were arrested are over 30 years of age, which says a lot.

And there are plenty of others, you can bet on that.

Any American has the right to protest, but these protests have turned violent and dangerous, filled with antisemitic and anti-Israel hate.

As I wrote about yesterday, there remains a ceasefire proposal on the table that is highly weighted toward Hamas' interests, and as I write this piece, the terrorist organization has yet to act on this, and simply might never do so.

Where do these protesters stand on the fact thst Hamas, who they idolize, continues to hold up a ceasefire thst these kids are demanding?

And what of the hostages, a group that the protesters continue to ignore in their demands?

And what about the dead bodies Hamas holds, carcasses of Israelis and others who were murdered in the conflict ... for what reason could they be holding these lifeless bodies, other than to further rile Jews, who normally bury their dead quickly?

Funny, the world has labeled Hamas as a terrorist organization, but they are worse than that: they are barbarians, following absolutely no rhyme or reason in their dealings with what is called the civilized world.

But how "civilized" is this world where it fails to collectively repudiate Hamas, instead putting the blame on Israel for their handling of the war against this terrorist organization?

Every civilized country in the world should have had Israel's back the very moment Hamas attacked the country ...

Incredibly, that didn't happen.

But it seemed much of the world ganged up on Israel, painted them as the villain, and made demands of them as they were, and continue to, fight a war for its very survival.

War is ugly.

This is not "McHale's Navy," "Gomer Pyle USMC," and is not the war portrayed in those World War II-era Abbott and Costello movies.

It is a brutal exercise, and no matter how carefully planned, there will be mistakes made. 

The Israel-Hamas War is no exception to any of this.

It is a true war of good vs. evil, but I do believe some people cannot discern who is good and who is evil here.

And these students, poisoned from birth with the Internet and social media, have lost the ability to think and make decisions on their own.

That is why these protest mongers proliferate, because these students have allowed these rabble rousers to think for them.

And where do they learn all of this hate from?

I think you can figure thst out yourselves.

And now there is a move to redefine exactly what "anti-Semitism" actually means.

Some are applauding this move as long overdue; others say it will stifle free speech.

Just like you are abusing your right to free speech when you scream "Fire" in a crowded venue, you are abusing your right to free speech when you yell "Heil Hitler!" In the same crowded venue.

Anyone with a head on his or her shoulders should realize that, but these students, acting as nothing more than automatons, can't process that concept.

Free speech and harassment are two very different things.

And these supposed students, attending some of the best and most prestigious learning institutions in the world, are adults, and they should know better.

But they don't, and that is a major problem that goes way beyond the encampments dotting college campuses across our country.

And now I heard that they are trying to get their anarchist and hateful professors involved, imploring them to not grade any finals until their demands are met.

Any professor that does this, as an employee of the university, should be fired on the spot, period.

End of story.

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