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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rant #3,359: Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)

How was your Memorial Day weekend?

I had a bit of a frustrating weekend; it wasn't terrible, but I guess you would call it annoying.

My family and i went to get an air conditioner, and while we did buy one, we found that it was not a good fit for what we needed it for, so we returned it.

As I had mentioned in the previous Rant, we need air conditioners for our bedrooms, as they are not provided by the development we live in.

And to add insult to injury, we cannot put them in our windows, because the development has rules about keeping air conditioners in windows year-round.

So we have decided to try a small, portable unit, and we await its arrival in the mail.

We were eating dinner on Saturday evening, and I bit down on an onion ring, and a crown from the top left side of my mouth came out.

I retrieved it, and on Sunday morning, off I went to one of those walk-in dentists.

I was pretty much in and out of there, and they were able to get my crown back in my mouth.

To bide my time this weekend, I watched a lot of baseball, digitized some records, and found that I can even do more on my own related to my condition.

Among the things I can do is to get both my shoes on my feet without help.

What I still cannot do is to get my sock on my left foot.

My range of motion still isn't at that level, so my wife has to help me with that daily exercise 

It is very frustrating, but I am getting there ... it is just going to take some time.

We tried to join a local pool.for the summer season, but unbeknownst to us, the pool doesn't open for another month, so we will just have to wait.

On the actual holiday, I needed to pick up a prescription on Memorial Day, which I did, and then I filled my car up with gas.

Since I was in the area, I decided to go to my local record store, bought a couple of things, and came home.

And for our Memorial Day dinner, we went out to a local diner and had a pretty good meal.

For the first time in memory, i could not finish what i ordered, a testament to the fact that since my injury, i have lost some weight.

i simply can't eat as much as i once did.

But more importantly, this mealthsat we ate out was the first time we have been out for dinner in a restaurant since my injury, so I jumped over another hurdle without even thinking about it too much.

Again, not a memorable Memorial Day weekend, but I did what I could do to make it as relaxing as possible.

Talking about relaxation ...

And yes, I watched enough professional wrestling to satisfy me for the rest of the year ... well, maybe didn't watch it, but slept through much of the two pay per views and the other shows that were on TV this weekend.

Like I said, relaxing enough to fall asleep on.

So, while this holiday weekend wasn't one that I will fondly look back on, even with the frustrations, I guess I did relax and do what I wanted to do--

And we can thank our service men and women for their duty, which allows us to do what we want to do when we want to do it.

And to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, we owe them everything.

I spoke to a former service member for a brief moment on the holiday.

A Vietnam War veteran, he told me that all he thinks about on the holiday are those who he knew that didn't make it back home.

And he is right in his thinking.

Sure, we had problems with buying an air conditioner ... I lost my crown ... I still cannot do basic things like I used to.

It is all very frustrating, but those who served our country--

Well, it all pales in comparison to the service our military members provide to this country.

To those men and women, I salute each and every one of you.

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