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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Rant #3,357: Hot Blooded/Cold As Ice

Yesterday was a lot quieter day for me, but I was pretty busy with work as Memorial Day approaches.

But the day didn't start out that well.

During the evening, it was really warm in our apartment.

We do have an air conditioner in the living room that is built in and provided by our apartment complex, but there are no air conditioners in either bedroom, so sleeping wasn't too good on Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning.

Each brdroom--and the living room--has a fan, but all it was doing was pushing hot air around.

I slept about five hours, but I woke up at 2:30 a.m., and I was a bit uncomfortable.

After trying to get back to sleep and failing miserably, I went into the living room, where it was a little cooler, but I could not fall back asleep.

I didn't put the living room air conditioner on, because I wasn't sure how it worked, and I did not want to learn I'm the middle of the night.

One thing led to another, and I ended up back in the bed, and I must have fallen back asleep at about 3:30 a.m., waking up sometime after 6 a.m., so I guess I did sleep to an extent--

But I told my wife that this weekend, we need to buy two air conditioners, one for each bedroom.

Not only am I overheated when it is so warm in the house, but my bad allergies become worse.

The problem is that our development does not allow permanent window air conditioners, so we are going to have to investigate air conditioners that are on wheels and/or don't need to be put in the window, those of the portable kind.

My wife and I know next to nothing about these, but we do know that there are several different types of these air conditioners, including some that operate as a regular air conditioner does and others where you have to manually load in water and/or ice for the unit to do its thing.

But whatever one we get, we do need something to cool down the bedrooms.

Hopefully, there will be some holiday sales this weekend, and we won't have to spend too much to cool us down.

I have had an air conditioner in my bedroom since 1964, so I am so used to the air conditioning that I simply can't live without it ... comfort concerns and health concerns notwithstanding.

I still think the air conditioner is one of the greatest inventions of all time, and I don't think I would have made it this far without air conditioning cooling me down.

Summer is just about here, and while I enjoy the warm weather, I don't handle it as well as others do ... but when I feel that cool air on my skin, I know that I will be OK.

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