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Friday, June 21, 2024

Rant #3,376: Do the Swim

My family and I finally joined a pool ... or actually we paid for a pool pass where we can go to any pool in our town.

After decades of having a pool in our backyard, this experience will certainly be quite different.

I haven't been to a town pool since the early 1970s, and beyond the loss of privacy, there are probably a lot of other things we are going to have to get used to when we go to a town pool.

But we need something to do on those sweltering summer days, so we will just have to get used to it.

Honestly, my wife will probably benefit from this more than my son and I will.

Since my son works during the week, and I have to take him to work and pick him up, and i also have physical therapy, our time at the pool will be less than my wife, who can go when they open and stay there for several hours.

And let's not forget, I still have my job, so I need time to do it, which will also cut down on my pool use.

My son and I will probably get the most out of the pool on the weekend, and on days when he is not working.

So it certainly isn't as convenient as having our own pool in the backyard, but we will definitely make a go of it.

For me, it is a bit more than just cooling off ... my physical therapist has given me the OK to do some of my exercises in the water.

The natural resistance provided by the water will aid in my therapy to improve the mobility of my left leg.

But getting in and out of the pool is something else I will have to deal with, but let me get there, and I will worry about it then.

Whatever the case, it should be fun, gives us something to do, and give us something to look forward to.

And no, the pool is not around the corner ... whichever of the town pools we go to will take a good drive to get to.

But that is our reality now.

You simply do not realize the massive changes that you make when you move from a house--where you lived for decades--to an apartment.

Funny, we are less than five miles away from where we lived, but it might as well be 500 miles away--

So close, yet so far.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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