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Friday, June 14, 2024

Rant #3,371: Daddy's Home

I had a pretty decent session at physical therapy yesterday.

It went so well that one of my fellow injured clients told me that she was so impressed at how I was progressing.

I thanked her for what she said.

It is one thing for one of the therapists to say that to me, but when one of my fellow walking wounded says it to me, it just makes me feel great.

And it leads me right into what I hope is a good Father's Day this weekend.

Father's Day is very different for my family and I now.

My father and father-in-law have both left us, my mom is gone, and we don't have a house anymore.

Traditionally on Father's Day, I used to barbecue.

I did it for years, even decades, but last year was a precursor for the future, because we went out to eat at a local restaurant last year, the last Father's Day we would spend with my mother.

Without a house, there is really no way to have a barbecue unless we go to a local park, but honestly, having barbecued in the back yard for so many years, it is just not the same experience, so we won't be doing it this time around, or maybe ever again.

This year, we are having my daughter and her boyfriend over to the apartment, but I am not yet sure whether we will go out or order in.

It should be a good day whatever we do, so it should be fun.

But admittedly, it simply won't be the same as in years past.

I loved to barbecue, as my father did, and that type of food just tastes so good outdoors.

That experience just can't be beat, but it appears that it is all just a memory now.

That makes me sad almost as much as not having my parents there, but life moves on.

So to all you dads, have a great Father's Day, have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday. 

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