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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rant #3,369: Roll With the Flow

Yesterday was a pretty good day.

I did not get thrashed, as I thought I would, when i went to get my car inspection yesterday.

One thing needed to be fixed--my windshield wiper blades needed to be changed--but other than that, the car passed the yearly inspection without any problem--

And my wallet is intact, which makes it all that much better.

Afterward, I had a better physical therapy session than I had experienced the last few times, as I was able to pedal at 17/18, but with a little pain.

I could not get back to that level the past few times that I tried, because my leg just was hurting a bit too much.

Yesterday, with the urging of my wife and the physical therapist, I started out at a higher level and as I got my confidence, I was able to get it down to 17/18 again, which I had not been able to do for a few sessions.

I had some pain, but it was manageable.

So I was happy for myself, and maybe next time, I can get it to even a lower level.

Otherwise, kudos go to the Israeli Defense Forces, who proved once again that Hamas is doing its business in residential, school and hospital areas.

The IDF rescued four Hamas prisoners after about eight months of captivity.

They did it during the day, and proved once again that Hamas does not operate on the same plane as groups who truly care about its people.

Now we know for sure that Hamas uses the Palestinian people as human shields, breaking every rule of to reach its goal, of the annihilation Israel and all Jews worldwide, a goal that it will never reach.

They also refuse to sign a truce that Isrsel has pretty much signed off on, so the supposedly civilized world can turn away if they like, but Hamas has proven that it is a terrorist organization, and not the humanitarian group that much of the world believes that it is.

Yet Israel will continue to get the blame for everything happening in the Middle East now, but it is all too obvious why they are being treated this way.

The Hamas groupies can continue to idolize these thugs, but anyone with a brain realizes that Hamas is far from a group looking out for its constituents.

So congrats to the IDF for their actions in freeing some more hostages, and it is time for Hamas to be blamed for civilian casualties.

Today, I have a very tough day, as for work, I have to summarize an eight-hour meeting in about 2,000 words, which is not an easy thing to do.

But even though it is an all-day exercise, it is something that I have to do.

However, in the middle of everything, we are getting our air conditioners delivered and installed, so my work is certain to ne interrupted, so I am just forced to roll with the flow today, and like I told my work, "Do the best I can."

So the next time we will talk will be Thursday, as I will simply be too busy with writing up this meeting to put up a blog post on Wednesday.

I will skip tomorrow and speak to you again on Thursday.

Take care ...

Work, work, work, work--

It's the devil's playground--

But I have to work, work, work, work ... .

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