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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rant #3,364: Why? Why? Why? (Is It So Hard?)

Physical therapy went fairly well yesterday.


My leg hurt a bit, but I did everything I was supposed to do, but I did it slowly.

I was told that I can wear shorts during the hot summer months, but if I am outside for a long period if time, I should prevent my left leg from getting sunburnt, because while the wound has healed, that six inch wound is still visibly there, so to get burnt wouldn't be too good.

I usually cover up if I am at a pool or outside for a long period of time, so that won't change.

Our air conditioning problem continues.

I think we have decided to throw caution to the wind, and buy two units, have them set up in our bedrooms, and find someone to remove the fall--

And then find someone who can put the units back in the windows next summer.


It just gets so warm here, and a living room air conditioner simply doesn't make it comfortable in the warmer back rooms, which are our bedrooms.

I woke up pn Sunday nightat about 2:30 a.m. or so, and put on the living room air conditioner because I was overly warm and sweaty in the middle of the night.

Last night, I just put the living room air conditioner on at about 8 p.m., because the apartment was on fire.

Not a good situation at all.

The post I told you about yesterday was not taken down, and I am getting many more likes the longer thst it remains available.


It doesn't surprise me that so many people agree with me; and if you say what you have to say nicely ... I am learning that even if you disagree with me, you have to go with my opinion because I said what I had to say so nicely.

Now, let's look at the world we all live in, not just my own personal world.

I watched a bit of Sunday's Israel Day Parade on TV, and happily, it went on without a hitch.

But then I hear that Columbia University has once again been overrun with Hamas groupies, with even larger tents being erected on the campus than were put up a few weeks ago.


Because Columbia itself is allowing this to happen.

I never agree with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, but what he said several weeks ago about these protests is something that the higher ups at Columbia obviously are ignoring.

What he said when pro-Hamas encampments were showing up at so many campuses was pretty much this:

"The way you stop the spread of these encampments is that when the first tent goes up, it is also the first tent to come down."

In other words, you don't let this fester right at the get go.

Columbia University simply doesn't get it at all, and at this point, the question is, 


Hamas rejected the latest peace proposal, and Israel doesn't fully buy into it, either.


I have heard a few versions of this story.

One, that Isrsel came up with the original proposal, but the Biden Administration took credit for it and amended it to a point thst Israel had severe doubts about it.

And Hamas simply doesn't want to sign amy peace proposal, period, because it goes against their reason for existence: the annihilation of the Jewish State. 

At any cost.

But the world still puts the whammy on Israel, blaming them for the failure of this proposal, which was anended to the point that it gives Israel absolutely no reason to buy into it.

if the supposedly civilized world would have galvanized behind Israel and helped them put the kibosh on Hamas after their brutal attack last October like they should have done, we would not be at this point now.

But they didn't do that.


It is pretty obvious, don't you think?

And as me move along to the mid-point of 2024, everything happening in this crazy, bizarro world we live in can be queried with the question "Why?"

And that fact should make all of us nervous.


This is not a funny "Who's On First" routine.


I will let my educated readers figure that one out for themselves.

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