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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Rant #3,366: Happy Anniversary

Oy vey!

Yesterday, my Facebook ban allowed me to post on my sites but not in the overall site.

I cannot figure it out, but can anybody really figure out Facebook?

On to more important things ...

Today is a great day in my life, as it my 31st wedding anniversary.

The time has gone quickly, my wife and I have been through so much together, and we are finally settling down after more than six months of utter turmoil.

But through it all, my beautiful wife has been there--

Without her, I simply do not know where I would be.

Here is what I had to say about our wedding anniversary, in edited form, in Rant #2,157, June 6, 2018:

"Years may come, years may go ... I cannot believe where the time has gone.

I remember the day so well, it really was like yesterday.

It was a sunny day, but it was windy to what seemed like near hurricane proportions.

We had an outdoor ceremony, and everything was blowing about, but we made it through the whirlwind to the huppah, I stepped on the ceremonial glass, and we were husband and wife."

And I do mean it was windy ... I thought all the little kids there, including my daughter and my two nephews, were going to blow away, Flying Nun style, into the cosmos.

But the fierce wind did not blow us away, but my new bride did.

She was and still is beautiful, has a brain in her head ... and all these years later, we are as perfect a match as can be.

We don't agree on everything, we have our own personalities, but when it all comes down to it, we have a great marriage.

i married a Queens girl, which i think is definitely part of our success.

I was a Queens boy, but we are both so many years removed from our original roots that we both are firmly Long Islanders now.

We are parents to a great son, we both have strong family roots, and we are there when the other needs us--

Which was put to the ultimate test when i injured myself late last year.

We persevered, and made it through the worst of that storm.

We will go out to a local restaurant to celebrate the occasion this coming weekend.

I dearly love my wife, so I have said to her the following:

"Happy anniversary, and let's try for st least 31 more!"

In comparison, it makes all that Facebook stuff into the utter nonsense that it really is.

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