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Monday, June 17, 2024

Rant #3,372: Hot, Hot, Hot

I had a pretty decent Father's Day.

I saw my daughter, received some nice gifts, ordered in pizza, and all in all, it was a good day.

Now, fast forward to today, and as you are reading this, I am in the dermatologist's office, getting a pre-cancerous lesion on my scalp removed.

Better to get it done early than let it fester.

Get it done now, and I won't have to worry about it anymore.

Then later, I have physical therapy, and hopefully that will go as good as it has been going lately.

Otherwise, this appears to be a fairly quiet week, although it is supposed to be very warm as the week goes on, with every day moving into the 90s.

I simply cannot take the heat, and I am happy that we have our air conditioners at our disposal.

Our apartment gets awfully warm and stuffy, and you just know that those air conditioners will be running strong this week.

My wife loves the heat, hates air conditioning ... and as you know, they say that opposites attract, and I guess that we prove that.

I love the air conditioning; in fact, I love it blowing directly on me.

When I have it on on the car, with the air conditioning blowing right on me, I just love it!

I don't know how I can live without it.

I consider air conditioning one of the greatest inventions of all time.

What did people do before air conditioning?

I don't know, but I can tell you that i was born at the right time, because I could not survive without air conditioning.

My allergies demand that I have this great invention at my disposal.

But anyway, I will deal with the heat the best that I can.

Maybe it will loosen up my left leg a bit.

Let's see how it all plays out.

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