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Friday, June 28, 2024

Rant #3,381: Had Enough

No, I did not watch the presidential debate last night. I fell asleep really early as a result of what became a very busy day related to work and other things I needed to do.

But I really don't think i missed very much of anything.

People like me, called "double haters," are supposedly going to decide this election.

I will absolutely not be voting for either Joe Biden or Donald Trump during thus election, but it is said that people who dislike both of them will eventually give in, and vote for one against the other.

Staunch Democrats are going to vote for Biden, while staunch Republicans are going to vote for Trump, so, as usual, that leaves independent voters--who aren't in bed with either party--to decide who is going to win this thing.

And as "double haters," as we are now known, most of us are eventually going to go ome way or the other.

Not me--

I wouldn't vote for Biden because I don't agree with any of his policies, or, for that matter, any policies proferred by the Democrats.

As for Trump, I simply cannot and will not vote for him again, certainly not after he egged on those imbeciles during the Insurrection.

His crybaby behavior after losing the election was also revolting.

But the funny thing is that with him being attacked at every angle, and now as a felon, I believe he is going to win this time around, because he is going to get a large sympathy vote ... 

These subsequent court appearances, trials, and losses have made him something of a sympathetic figure to a wide swath of Americans, and I think in the long run, it will all benefit him, in a bizarro-world-that-we-live-in sort of way.

I do believe the election will be a close one, maybe as close as the last one.

And if Trump loses, let's not hear about the election being stolen from him again.

Enough is enough.

Well, if i am not voting for Biden or Trump, just who am i voting for?

in the past, when I was dissatisfied with the two major candidates, I often voted for myself as a write-in candidate.

I never voted for either Bush father and son, and in 1980, I voted for John Anderson, so I have done this before.

I honestly have no idea who I am going to vote for, but it definitely won't be Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who I feel is a bit of a goofball.

Nikki Haley? ... Aaron Judge? ... Mickey Mouse?

I have no idea at the moment.

And do you think that i will be the only one to vote outside the box?

You can bet that this time around, I will be joined by millions of others who simply cannot vote for Biden or Trump--

Or they will simply leave those spaces blank on the ballot, and vote for no one.

I truly do not feel that it is a wasted non-vote.

At least for me, it cements the fact that i am completely and totally turned off by Biden and Trump, and the only way I can make my feelings known is to not vote for either one.

I won't tell you how to vote, but I wish more people would do what I am going to do.

It would send a direct message to the winner--and to the loser too--that these two candidates are horrible, and we need better choices in 2028 and into the future.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday. 

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