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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rant #3,423: Cover Me

Nothing new on the car parking situation where I live.

Suffice it to say that once again, yesterday I had absolutely no problem finding a "Visitors" space, and once again, I parked in such a space a couple of steps from my front door.

Curious, isn't it?

To move onto something else, I notice that Nassau County's mask mandate notched its first culprit, some teenaged imbecile walking the streets of nearby Levittown who just happened to be carrying a 14-inch knife concealed on his person as he sauntered through the streets with a face covering disguising his features.

When asked what he was doing there, he said he was sent to "rob someone" by another party. Police did not elaborate on who that other party was.

So chalk.up one on the plus side of the new masking law, a law that has gotten some people into a major kerfuffle.

The law says that someone can be arrested if that person uses a mask to hide his or her identity.

It allows for people to wear masks for health reasons, for religious reasons, and for reasons having to do with celebrations, such as on Halloween.

So why are people getting their pants so twisted over this?

Because those against the law are providing false information to those who choose to wear masks in public.

This is a tempest in a teapot. No.police officer will come up to you on the street asking you to present a doctor's note about why you are wearing a mask.

This law is to generally prevent large gatherings of people who are masked--such as those pro-Hamas protests that will continue once the school.year begins again--from not being easily identified if they are breaking the law. 

It also gives police another reason to stop someone if they look like they are up to no good, such as that idiot packing a knife looking to rob someone.

It is OK to protest, but when you verbally attack certain people, you deface property, and you assemble in areas that are prohibited, you are breaking the law, and the police need to have a clearer picture of these people, who generally wear masks and other facial coverings to make it more difficult to identify them.

This has absolutely nothing to do with wearing a mask for your health, something that opponents of this law purposely confuse people with to make them suspicious of the law's intentions.

Wear a mask for health, but if you are wearing a mask to hide your identity as you terrorize people, you will now be breaking the law.

And what is wrong with that?

Heaven knows what that thug with the knife could have done if he were not stopped.

My son wears a mask when he goes to work and plays sports--he has done it since the pandemic--and it is his choice to do so.

I seriously doubt a police officer will stop him for wearing his mask.

And by the way, say what you want, but my.son, thank God, never got COVID, even though everyone around him did--including family members like his mom and I--and he was around all of us.

No, he won't get stopped, nor will your elderly friend or relative, who wears the mask entirely for health reasons.

Hamas groupies in large assemblages will get stopped, and that is among the population that this new law is targeted to.

So all the cries of "foul" are completely unfounded, a total misinformation campaign perpetrated by those who are bending the meaning of the law to satisfy their own agendas.

Even the mayor of New York City has applauded this new law, and is looking into it being enacted in New York City--specifically targeting the same miscreants that the Nassau County law is aimed at.

The law is a good one, and should be enacted without the misinformation campaign hounding it.

You want to be stupid by your idiotic actions ... let everyone see who you really are.

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