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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rant #3,409: Doctor My Eyes

(This post was banned by Facebook. Perhaps someone can explain this to me, because it appears only Facebook knows why they banned this post.)

I am currently having one of those eye migraines that I have on occasion.

What happens is that they pop up intermittently, here and there, and I just happened to get one when I began typing this Rant out.

What happens is that I get some floaters in my eye, and they eventually reach the outer edge of my eye, and this goes on for anywhere from five to 20 minutes or so.

This time, it is in my right eye, and I just have to wait it out, and then it goes away as quickly as it came.

I usually get these in my left eye, and they just come ... I can go six months without having one, and I can get an eye migraine on two straight days.

Very unpredictable.

It is kind of weird, but at least I am home now.

I have had this thing happen when I am driving, and while it does not impede my sight, it is simply annoying.

Does anybody else out there get these things as I do?

I started getting them a couple of years ago, and since I have macular degeneration to begin with, it just adds more bricks to the load.

I have worn glasses nearly all of my life ... I was the little kid who wore those Coke-bottle glasses--but once I got used to them, it never bothered me that I had to wear them.

When kids were getting contacts, I never even tried wearing them, as I was comfortable with my glasses.

But my eyes have aged with the rest of my body, and like the rest of my body, my eyes are showing some wear after all of these years of use.

I take those Areds pills that you see advertised on TV, and while I don't see any recognizable difference in my eyes since I have been taking them, I have been told they are good to take for my eyes' upkeep.

And as we are talking, those floaters have reached the outer edges of my right eye, so I have a few more minutes of this situation to peter out.

At least the non-stop rain has made the weather a bit cooler, so while my allergies--which do have an effect on my eyes and the rest of my body--are still bothering me, I am not sweating through my shirt.

Such are the problems of aging.

I tell people in my age group that they are getting older, they are NOT old ... unless that is the way they want to feel.

To me, being old is being decrepit, and while, as I said, I have aged, I am NOT old.

Am I 25 years of age anymore?

No, I am not.

I am very proud to be 67 years of age, and I will be happy when I reach 68 years of age by the end of April of next year.

I look at what I have experienced in my life, and I have had quite a full time here on this earth--

I hope to be here many more years.

And as I write this, my eye migraine is over, like I said, leaving as quickly as it came.

I have physical therapy later today, and I will have to concentrate on that, as next week is a busy one, as I have one doctor after another to see.

No, one of those doctors is not my eye doctor, but so far, all things have checked off well with me, and I hope that continues.

I can see the light ... the eyes have it.

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