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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Rant #3,413: I Can See For Miles

Lucky Rant #3,413!

You just knew, as my week of hell takes full form today, that an unlucky "13" would somehow be part of the equation.

Later today, I have to go fir a standard MRI as part of my overall physical, which I am happy to say went quite well.

This is an MRI on my prostate, a procedure which my doctor said is necessary, not because I have a problem, necessarily--which I don't, thank God--but should be part of my yearly physical "just to be on the safe side."

So I went to a urologist, who did a few tests on me, and found nothing awry, but insists I get the MRI anyway, just to possibly catch something at the get go.

My blood test came out that my numbers related to my prostate are up--which both my doctor and urologist said are not unusual for someone of my age--so I figured I might as well go along with the plan.

So I called the group where I have to get the MRI, and make the appointment, and they ask me where I want to take it--

And both points are each more than 40 miles one way from where I live, both east and west.

I ask if they have a closer facility to take the MRI, and I am told thst it is either one place or the other.

I chose the out east one, which will take me at least an hour to get to, as would the one west of me, especially at that time in the morning.

As you know, I went through this craziness for months when getting my allergy shots, having to drive in right before the Queens border from where I lived in Eastern Nassau County--

When I lived five miles away from where I could have gotten my shots, but my insurance, at the time, did not allow me to go to that office.

Thank goodness that nightmare is over, but now, residing at the borderline of Eastern Nassau County/Western Suffolk County, the same problem has emerged.

Thete are MRI facilities within a few miles of where I am, but i am forced to drive more than 40 miles to the one they want me to go to.

Happily, I don't have to rely on anybody to get me there, as I can drive myself to the facility, but it is just a pain in the butt to have to do this.

it pretty much gets my mind--and my prostate--in a kerfuffle trying to make logic put of all of this, but I figure if the MRI comes out OK, it will be worth the aggravation.

So let's see how this all turns out. 

I am sure my aggravation will be only a momentary--or one morning--thing when I am told that my prostate is as good as gold.

But you know, at least right now, this is a big pain in the butt.

Tomorrow, I have to go to my doctor/surgeon, the physician who performed my two surgeries.

That visit is the one I am most concerned with right now--

Maybe "concerned" is not the correct word to use, but I have worked very, very hard to reach a certain point in my rehabilitation, and I hope the doctor sees this when he checks my left leg over.

Sure, I am "concerned" with the MRI, but let's just say I am "most interested" in what the doctor/surgeon has to say at this point in time.

At least right now, that is uppermost in my mind.

So I won't be posting a new Rant on Thursday, skipping that day but coming back strong on Friday.

I will fill you in on everything on that day.

So have a good Thursday, and I will speak to you again on Friday.

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