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Friday, August 9, 2024

Rant #3,410: You Don't Own Me

Well, Facebook is at it again.

They banned yesterday's blog post ... more to the point, they banned the link I put up to direct you to this site.

They said it violated "community standards" ... again, only they know what those "standards" are.

I have seen virulently sexual and political posts allowed, but my G-rated posts ... how can such posts violate any definition they might have about "community standards?"

Yesterday's post was health-related, mainly about my eyesight.

How could this violate any rules and regulations that they could possibly have?

I don't see it.

Yes, that is a pun, but it is not very funny.

I, myself, have put up more pointed posts, and those have been OK, but my post was about my eyesight this time around ... how could such a subject violate any rules at all?

Maybe it was the link itself.

Funny thing, I have seen links to sexually expressive sites that somehow are OK by Facebook "standards," but I put up a link to a G-rated site, and it is no good, according to them.

Makes absolutely no sense at all.

But what it does do is decrease traffic to this site, which is not good.

Thanks for those who have found the link themselves and have gone to the site to read what I wrote.

I have complained to Facebook, but I doubt they will get back to me with a satisfactory answer, or any answer at all, for that matter--even though they profess that they will.

As you know, I have been in this situation a couple of times before, most prominently when I was in Facebook jail for several months after I had the nerve, audacity and absolute gaul to post about my mother's passing.

But as you know, I will not be stopped.

I will say what I want to say, need to say, and most importantly, HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SAY.

I do not post porn, I have never used a curse word in any of the thousands upon thousands of posts that I have made, and while I do, often, wear my opinions on my sleeve, there has never been anything salacious in any post I have ever made.

We will see what happens, because I have lodged my complaints, and let's see if Facebook has the chutzpah to reply to me and try to make sense of all of this.

Anyway, I have an extremely busy week coming up, with several important visits to a variety of my doctors--

Including the surgeon who performed the two operations on my left leg.

So yes, I will speak to you again on Monday, but I will have to give you a day-by-day summation of what I can do and what I can't. 

So have a great weekend, I will definitely speak to you again on Monday, and hopefully, this entire mess will be cleared up, and we can all go on our merry way.

Speak to you then.

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