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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rant #3,407: America

This whole flap about former President Trump and his  reactions to questions at the Black Journalists' convention ...

His reactions might be taken as odd, but he was being honest about things.

First off, from what I have seen, he was not greeted properly as a former President of the United States by those moderating his segment of the convention..

He was pretty much attacked from the get-go, and I think he was blindsided a bit by it, turning the whole incident into a dumpster-fire moment.

There is no way that Vice President Harris would be welcomed to the podium like that, so you can call that lack of respect whatever you like, but it was demeaning.

He was taken aback by that, and that threw him directly into the loop that he found himself in.

On the other matters that he tied himself into a tight knot with, let's be fair about it.

I am no fan of Trump, but ...

In all fairness, I, personally, had no idea that Vice President Harris was Indian. And at one time, Jamaicans and others of Caribbean descent who lived in the United States did not consider themselves "black," per se, as in "African American." 

Further, in some circles, I have read that Harris is also "Jewish," as she is married to a Jew and some say will put a mezzuzah up on a door of the White House if elected, which of course would be a first.

Am I Czechoslovokian-Latvian-Russian-Polish and Caucasian and Jewish and American too?

That might be my ethnic background, but I am American first, and I really wish that people would start thinking that way again.

And as an aside, I have rarely--and I mean maybe once or twice during his entire vice presidential/presidential run--heard President Biden referred to as an "Irish American," even on St. Patrick's Day.

So why is it so terribly important that we know Harris' ethnic background?

Because it is all political nonsense, looking to compartmentalize all of us down to the very nubs of our existence.

And yes, ethnicity is run out by some as a tool to grab voters ... which it does ... people who vote for those by race and ethnicity and not the more important things, like how they stand on the issues.

I have heard several people being interviewed flatly, proudly and ignorantly state that they will vote for Harris only because she is black ... which is as wrong as stating that one will vote for Trump only because he is white, which is something I honestly haven't heard, but I am sure is on some peoples' minds.

It is wrong on both sides, yet those professing to vote for Harris simply because she is black are heralded and trumpeted and honored for their choice, and are so proud to say it by the media.

This is racist thinking, of course, just like it is if you vote for Trump only because he is white ... something which would be dismissed by the media as what it is.

Why is it OK for the goose, and not the gander?

It is all media nonsense, a media that again, is so obviously anti-Trump that it cannot contain itself.

People should vote on the issues, and what each candidate brings to the table, and not vote on the race of the candidate as the sole guiding force in their choice.

My eventual choice will have nothing to do with race at all, and as an independent voter, I have the real power to elect the right person ...

Which I don't believe is either Harris or Trump.

And again, the media must cease this race-mongering, which is what they are so clearly promoting.

We are ALL Americans, and that should be more important than anything else.

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