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Friday, August 23, 2024

Rant #3,419: i Remember

I am going to end this week with a nice entry.

Today is my son's 29th birthday.

I literally cannot believe that he is 29, and I have to say, the time has gone fast.

I remember the moment he was born, I remember him as a baby, I remember him as a little kid, and I remember his school years.

It is incredible watching.somebody grow up right before your eyes, but I have had that experience with my son.

It is not an experience to be taken lightly.

I remember all of his trials and tribulations as he was growing up, all the positives and all the negatives, and all of the challenges, the trials, the tribulations, and the triumphs.

I remember when we were told that he would amount to nothing, and I remember when he received his high school diploma.

I remember his first job when he was 15 years old, and I member going with him when he was hired for his current job.

I remember him in Little League, and I remember when he actually pitched and saved one of our team's wins, which just happened to be the last game I coached.

I remember him bowling two games of over 200, and all of the good--and bad--games he has bowled.

I remember all the ballgames, concerts and wrestling shows we have gone to, and all the vacations we have had.

And I remember how much he helped me--and continues to help me--as I battle my injuries.

And with all of these remembrances, my wife and I are just so proud of this guy who, I will repeat, we were told would amount to nothing.

Personally, i could not have asked for a better son, and the sky really is the limit for him.

I wish him the happiest of birthdays, and many, many more.

And I know he will help me in any way he can as I go through this procedure on Monday morning.

I am sure I am going to be OK, but I can't yet tell you when I will be back at my perch here.

So have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again sometime next week.

Please keep me in your thoughts.

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