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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Rant #3,422: Curious

I spoke to the manager of the community we live in on Tuesday morning, again about the parking situation here.

I apologized to him for the way I left his office on Monday, and he said he understood my frustration.

I said that my anger was misplaced; it should have been directed at the community's owners ... and with pen and pad in hand, I asked him who the owners of the development are.

"I can't give you that information because it isn't one owner, it is many owners," he said.

I thought that there must be an umbrella title for the ownership group, but he simply would not give me the name or any other information on them.

I thought that was odd, and I guess that if I need that information in the future, I can get it at Town Hall.

But on the plus side, the manager did tell me that my discussion with him must have had an impact, because he has spoken with the ownership group via email about freeing up some of the parking spots that are not being used by residents without a car and making them available specifically for multi-car residents like myself.

He could not give me a timetable, or any other information on this, but it is a start.

I realize he may just be giving me lip service, but I do believe--I want to believe--what he told me.

I drove my son back and forth to work today, and I found it funny--and curious--at the number of "Visitors" spaces that were open.

Even at 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon, I often have trouble finding a "Visitors" space to park in, and today, I could have 10 cars and find a "legal" spot for each one.

Very curious indeed--

Have workers at the complex been taking up all of these spots for their cars during their workday, and now are being told to only park in "worker-designated" areas, which we also have here?--

And when they leave, are desperate residents who need these spots to park in jumping into these spots like bees moving onto flowers to pollinate?

I am just speculating here, but I did find that to be plenty odd--

Let's see how this all plays out during the next days, weeks and months.

And yes, with a plethora of spots for me to choose from, my car is parked in a "Visitors" spot, one which just so happens to be a hop, skip and a jump away from my front door.

Very curious indeed.

I have found that sometimes you almost have to be forced to open up your mouth and say something, or absolutely nothing will get done.

Maybe this was one such instance.

But yes, all of this is very curious indeed.

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