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Monday, August 19, 2024

Rant #3,415: Weird Science

More good news, but somehow, I am not as happy as I was about the previous good news that I described to you last week.

I will get to the good news in a moment.

First off, today begins a really busy period for me.

A little later this morning, my wife has to take me to my retinologist, to get my yearly examination on my eyes--

Particularly my left eye, where I had a couple of procedures over the years to preserve it and keep it in working order.

I also have macular degeneration in both my eyes, but the concern is the left eye, because of these past procedures.

The doctor will see if everything is in working order, and I will have to have both eyes dilated so he can see how I am doing.

I am one of those people who don't take to the dilation all that well.

It pretty much wipes me out for the day, as it takes me many hours for the eye to wash itself out and get back to normal.

They used to use the heavy-duty dilation solution on me, which didn't really go away until.the next day.

Now, they use the regular stuff, which is bad enough.

So today, I will pretty much be incapacitated the entire day.

More importantly, I hope the doctor doesn't find anything untoward in my eyes when he does his examination.

Here is the good news, if that is what you want to call it.

On Tuesday, I have to provide a urine sample to my urologist, in preparation for a nasty procedure I have to go through a week from today.

Happily--and this is the good news--the battery of tests that I took, including the MRI i took last week, showed absolutely no problems with my prostate.

However, as part of the entire procedure, I have to through an invasive procedure where they get a better view of my prostate.

So beginning next Sunday, I basically have to have my entire rectum flushed out, which I do at home prior to this procedure.

I am sure many of you have had this done on your prostate and/or your colon.

I had it done on my colon several years ago, and happily, they found no problems then, and hopefully they will find no problems in my prostate now.

If you have not had this done, the prep is worse than the actual procedure, and it kind of wipes you out for a couple of days.

I was kind of blindsided by all of this, as the urologist said thst every indication is that my prostate is in good shape, but going through all of this will make sure thst there is nothing going on there that shouldn't be there.

So I will just have to grin and bear it, but I remember when i had this done on the colon, I was not a happy camper.

So this is going to be a weird period for me.

As it is, my family and I are busy with a lot of activities this coming week, and I guess this will be the proverbial "cherry on top" of it all.

I guess even if everything appears to be A-OK on the surface, it has to be checked, just in case.

I have known people who have had prostate cancer, and the quicker they find something, the better, so it can be treated and taken care of.

If these people with cancer can go through everything thst they are going through to get better, then I can certainly go through this thing.

That is the way I have to look at it.

I have been through such hell already during the past several months, I think I can manage this, too.

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