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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rant #3,402: Let's Get Physical

My blood test as part of my recent physical went fine.

Just as I had suspected, my original blood test a couple of months ago showed an elevated sugar level because I was inactive due to my surgeries and lack of movement every day.

When the blood test was retaken a couple of days ago, the sugar level reverted back to where it should be and has been for years--

And it all had to do with an increase in activity now that I am able to move about freely.

Look, I am watching myself more than ever before with my sugar intake.

I have cut down on my intake of things like soda and cookies ... I really cut it down tremendously.

I am also exercising each and every day, so that is helping me too.

My father had diabetes in his later years, and I hope that with the incorporation of these tweeks in my diet and my routine, I can avoid that altogether.

So I am pretty healthy, even with everything I have been through during the past few months.

All in all, I am doing pretty well.

In the middle if everything, I do have a slight cold. I thought it was allergies, and it could be a mix of a cold and allergies, but whatever it is, it is on the wane, and I hope to be done with it this week.

It hasn't slowed me down at all, but I do have a little bit of a cough now and then, which, of course, picks up at night when I am lying down, so it has thrown my sleep into a tizzy.

I sleep for a couple of hours, and then I start wheezing, wake myself up, and then can't get back to sleep so quickly.

I am just taking over the counter Tylenol Cold and Flu for that, and it does seem to work, but if this thing is not gone this week, I might have to be checked out and get something stronger.

I get these allergy/cold things once or twice a year, so I just happened to get it now.

No worries ... it just has to work its way out of my system.

I can taste everything, I am not stuffed up, and a lot of it is in my throat.

I actually feel fine, so it will be gone in a matter of days.

Yesterday, I had one more thing to take care of, and that is my teeth.

For the first time in probably decades, I had more than one cavity to get filled, with two cavities that I didn't even know about in my mouth.

The dentist told me that they were very small, and it took no time to get them filled.

So all in all, nine months after my first accident, I am doing pretty well ...

And then I woke up the other day and my right leg--my good leg--was hurting for the first time.

Maybe I rolled over the wrong way in my sleep, maybe I did it doing my exercises and it didn't hit me until later, but it definitely feels like I have a "crick" in my right leg.

Exercising kind of makes it feel a little bit better, but last night, it was bothering me, so between this little cold and this pain, it took me a while to find a spot to sleep in, although when I did finally do that, I must have slept for at least seven hours.

It doesn't stop me from doing anything, it is just a bit annoying.

Hopefully, it will go away as quickly as it came, but I will bring it up at physical therapy today.

I often think that I might be over-exercising at home, and I actually did do just that several months ago, my bad left leg seized for a few minutes, and I was told to go a bit slower when working out at home, which I did and have had no problems with since.

And again, this is in my good leg, so it has me a bit perplexed.

But overall, I am doing pretty well, and I hope to continue doing well into perpetuity.

Where I am now versus where I was ... no comparison at all ...

In between the coughs and the wheezing.

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