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Monday, July 29, 2024

Rant #3,401: More Than I Can Say

I just find it so interesting--as well as disheartening--that seemingly smart people will do completely idiotic things when it comes to our upcoming presidential election.

The latest imbecility that I have seen is that people are putting up the office address of J.D. Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate, as a place to send kitty litter, related to his silly remarks from some years back about cat women running Washington.

First of all, whoever dug up this ridiculous clip needs to find something better to do with their time.

Second, it really is against even the Wild West environment that engulfs  the Internet and social media to put up one's address for everyone to see ...

And it goes beyond kitty litter.

There are enough nuts out there who could potentially do more than just send kitty litter to Vance's office.

The posters I saw were by two women who I thought had way more sense than they exhibited by putting up such a post.

Yes, I know it was an office address, not his home address, but do they realize who they could be putting in danger by posting this address?

Staffers, others working in the building or in the vicinity, and even passers by.

Would the posters like their own address plastered across social media ... an open invitation to every nut out there?

And with the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, this is nothing to take lightly.

You don't have to like Vance, or Trump, but during the recent assassination attempt, an innocent individual died, and others were hurt.

Do we need another nut to have this posted address at his easy disposal?

I mean, this election has just reached depths below stupidity ever since President Joe Biden stepped aside and gave his support to Vice President Kamala Harris.

And a lot of this craziness is coming from women, who I have thought were the smarter sex, but now, I'm not too sure about.

Anyway, I doubt these posts will be taken down, because the posters are completely blinded by their lack of civility.

It just completely reaffirms my vow to not vote for either Harris or Trump come November, and I am happy to report that a couple of people have contacted me to tell me that they are doing the same.

Maybe there is actually some brain matter being used in these days leading up to the election after all.

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