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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rant #3,392: I Feel Good

The Republicans began their convention yesterday, under the highest level of security.

There are protesters outside, and the reporter covering the convention for NBC noted that many of the protesters were carrying anti-Semitic and anti-Israel signs.

They are protesting against the Republicans and Donald Trump, so I assume they are voting for Joe Biden ...

And if my assumption is correct, then the Democrats have to be very, very worried.

This type of person is voting for Biden ... this is the description of who you want voting for the Democratic Party's candidate fir president?

Totally disgraceful.

I will give Trump one kudo--he and his fellow Republicans appear to be very pro-Israel, and fully back Israel in their fight against Hamas.

Somehow, I don't get the same impression of the Democrats.

Sure, these protesters may just be your everyday garden variety Hamas groupies, but is this the impression that the Democrats want to get out there?

If this is true, will the Jewish community abandon the Democrats and vote for Trump?

Lots of questions here, questions that need to be answered.

I also see thst Trump has chosen J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate.

I admit that I know very little about Vance, other than the fact thst at one time, he was a very vocal critic of the former president, but his views have evidently changed.

And you just know that Vance is going to be grilled about this turnaround, so stay tuned ... and I hope that Vance knows exactly what he is getting into.

I guess all he has to do is speak with Mike Pence, Trump's first vice president, who his boss took through the shredder when he lost to Biden and he had his crybaby fit.

No crybaby fit for me, but I might be coming to the end of my physical therapy sessions.

In fact, my two-hour session yesterday might be my next-to-last session, unless my heath care company gives the OK for more sessions.

I spoke with my physical therapist.about this, and she said that although I have improved substantially since I began my sessions after the second mishap, there is only so much I can realistically improve.

My left leg is never going to be 100 percent the same as it was--believe me, there is a tremendous difference--and physical therapy brought me to a very good point, but I can't really expect that this thing that I have is going to entirely go away.

There are a whole group of exercises that I do at home that I will continue to do in perpetuity, and if I have to live with that, then I will.

Physical therapy has helped me immeasurably, and I am really grateful for the people who worked with me to get to the point I am at.

And my skin doctor told me that my scalp is just about healed from that cancerous lesion that he removed from it a few weeks back, so I am out of the woods with that.

So yesterday was a good day for me, and let's just hope that we, as a society, can tone things down a bit with all the political stuff.

When you have been where I have been during the past many months, you learn first-hand what really is important, and let me tell you, politics might be important, but your health, state of mind and personal well-being are even more important.

I hope it doesn't take what I have been through for people to open up their eyes, but it certainly did the trick for me--

And let me tell you, there is NOTHING more important than your health.

Trump? Biden?

Republicans? Democrats?

A mere bag of shells.

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