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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rant #3,384: Celebrate

We are right at the cusp of another great celebration.

Indepedence Day is tomorrow on July 4, and it should be another great holiday, as our nation celebtrates its 248th birthday.

There will be parades, picnics, barbecues, swimming, baseball, and plenty of fireworks, and yes, people who will never learn will be literally playing with fire by setting off their own fireworks.

Just the other day, some imbecile in my neck of the woods blew off one hand, and a few fingers on his other hand, by setting off fireworks.

Personally, I never got the fanaticism we have for fireworks, but if we have to have them, leave them to the professionals.

But back to the day itself--

This is our country's birthday, and it is a day that we all can collectively participate in and celebrate.

This not not one of those "faux" independence days, days which do not unite us at all.

This is the REAL DEAL.

A few years ago, in Rant #2,173, dated July 3, 2018, I spoke about the resiliency of our nation as we were about to celebrate another July 4.

Here is what I said, in edited form:

"Tomorrow is July 4, a big day in our country, recognized as our country's birthday.

So if I did my math correctly, tomorrow, this country is 248 years old.

And for a 248 year old, we are holding up pretty well, although there are people out there who want to divide us, who want to destroy what we have here.

Let them try.

As a nation, we have the resolve to quash any attempt to put us down, whether internally or externally.

We still have lots to learn about what motivates some people to despise this country so, but for every person who hates this country, we have thousands who want to come here, settle here, and live their own versions of the American dream.

So this country can't be that bad; in fact, it remains the greatest country in the world, where your dreams can come true.

Sure, luck plays a big hand in all of this, but the thought is that this is the country where we are most likely to reach our goals, to live, like my father used to say, "the good life."

And with all that is going on now, what I said six years ago continues to resonate.

This is the greatest country on this planet, and tomorrow, we can celebrate as one, as a country.

Let the haters hate. They can never break our spirit as we get one year closer to our 250th birthday.

Are you doing anything special.for the holiday?

Again, this July 4 will be quite different for myself and my family this time around, for obvious reasons 

We don't have a backyard anymore, we don't have a pool anymore, and we can't barbecue anymore.

If the weather holds up, maybe my family and I can get to one of the town pools.

We will also celebrate the holiday by eating out at a local restaurant.

And all of this will be set in motion today, when the Verizon technician is scheduled to visit our residence, and fix, once and for all, our TV reception.

Oy, I just can't wait.

Heck, if this thing isn't fixed, there might be fireworks coming from my residence that will rival the holiday fireworks.

Let's hope we don't get to that point.

Have a great and safe July 4, and I will speak to you again on Friday.

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