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Friday, July 5, 2024

Rant #3,385: Twist and Shout

How was your Fourth of July?

Ours was OK; a little bit different, but OK.

Replacing the usual stuff--a barbecue and swimming--were getting on my socks and mattress-buying.

Let me explain.

After getting our TV reception fixed by Verizon--a coaxial cable did it, replacing WiFi, which wasn't working for us--we had an uncommon July 4.

The first interesting thing that happened yesterday was that I was able to get dressed all by myself, something I had not been able to do since my first accident at the end of October.

The last stumbling block to doing this was getting my socks on all by myself, and somehow--I must admit that not exactly sure exactly what I did--I was able to get my left sock on yesterday morning with absolutely no help.

That, to me, is a major accomplishment. The left sock has been my stumbling block, but yesterday, I actually did it!

Was it a fluke?

I am out to.prove that it wasn't, but we will know in a couple of minutes from now whether I can do it again.

Of course, I did this while sitting on my bed, and that bed will be changing going into next week.

One of the things on my and my wife's to-do list was to get another mattress.

We have been sleeping on the same mattress for more than 30 years, and it is pretty much shot.

The mattress is uncomfortable, even more so since I injured myself.

Some of the springs have broken through the mattress' outer covering, so every once in a while, I roll over and feel a little pinch.

So finally, we just decided to replace the old with the new, and we even purchased a new mattress that was on sale.

It still is going to cost us plenty, but the time had come, and early next week, we will have a new mattress to sleep on.

After all of this that happened in the morning, we had the quietest July 4 imaginable, and when it came to dinnertime, we celebrated the holiday by going out to eat.

We went to a local eatery that we hadn't been to in ages, the food was good, and we had a nice time.

Today, it is back to business, but I am sure it is going to be fairly quiet.

We actually have a barbecue to.go to this weekend. 

On Sunday, if the weather holds up, I will finally get to a local pool, and relax before the coming work week.

So, it wasn't really that bad replacing swimming and a barbecue with putting on my socks and buying a new mattress.

Not the typical July 4 for myself and my family, but what has been typical for us for the past nine months or so?

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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