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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rant #3,399: Maybe

Two disparate topics in one single Rant!

Let's go!

I just want to say one more thing about politics this week.

I put this up on Facebook, and it is, unfortunately, very, very true.

Here is what I posted late yesterday afternoon:

'Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed our legislators in Washington, and Republicans showed him the maximum respect, if for nothing else than making sure that they were present to hear what he had to say.

But many legislators were absent--many Democrats skipped the address, including our vice president.

If you are Jewish and you vote Democrat ... ?

I don't even have words about how stupid, ignorant and imbecilic you are.

Trump is no bargain, but the Republicans clearly support Israel in its war against terrorism.

The Democrats? 

Shameful behavior.'

Sorry, the Democrats' behavior is simply horrid, and they--and their presumptive presidential candidate, who said she had "a previous engagement"--should be taken to task for their behavior.

Me, I know that by not voting for either Harris or Trump, I am doing the right thing.

You must make your own decisions; I have clearly made mine.

And as for those Hamas groupies protesting outside ... as the Prime Minister said, "They should be ashamed of themselves."

Now, onto other matters ...

With all the hubbub of the past two weeks, I neglected to tell you that I finally got into the water at a local.pool in my town.

I went with my wife there this past Sunday, and while the weather wasn't great--it ended up raining--I did get a chance to do my exercises in the pool, or at least the exercises I could do in the water.

It was kind if weird; the natural resistance of the water made my left leg feel a little bit heavier, but all told, I think I did pretty good there.

We got there early, and there weren't many people there, so I could really take my time in doing my exercises.

But when the place began to fill up--mainly with families with young children--I wasn't as comfortable in doing what I was doing, but I still managed to go full steam ahead.

Hopefully, I will be able to get back to the pool again several more times this summer, so I can do my exercises in the water again--and get more comfortable doing them there.

Maybe we can get there this coming weekend, but we will see.

To bring this all together--

Another "maybe" ...

Maybe we can have peace in the Middle East this coming weekend, but we shall see.

I did it!

Two very different topics, but I hope that this coming weekend, we can have nothing but good news to report, unlike the last two weekends, which were pretty much unfortunate, at best.

We can hope, can't we?

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