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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Rant #3,393: Too Hot

Boy, yesterday was hot!

It was actually too hot to go swimming, at least according to my wife.

How hot was it on Tuesday in my neck of the woods?

Well, I was in my car driving to pick up my son from work, and at about 1:15 p.m., it hit 100 degrees.

And the humidity was also unbearable.

The reading was on my car dashboard, so I am going to go with it.

I actually was going to pull over and take a photo of the reading with my camera--since it was the first time I hit triple digits while driving this car--but I decided it wasn't worth the effort.

In my previous car, while driving home from a vacation, on I95 in Maryland, we hit 106, so while yesterday's reading fell a bit short of that, it is still significant.

In the morning, I did a couple of chores after I took my son to work, came home, ate lunch, did my exercises, did some work, and I then passed out on my bed for a quick nap.

After picking my son up from work, the temperature fell to about 98 degrees as we drove to get a haircut.

Finally driving home, the temperature fell as low as 93 degrees as we drove behind an ice cream truck for a good part of the way back.

And yes, I had my car air conditioning on while I was in the car, and yes, I had my bedroom air conditioning on when I was at home.

I simply cannot take the heat, and I was perspiring pretty well no matter what I did yesterday, whether driving my car or doing my physical therapy exercises.

And yes, I had a bottle of iced-up seltzer in my car, which helped keep me as cool and as hydrated as possible as it itself melted down from ice to liquid.

I am complaining now, in mid-July, and you just know that I, like everyone else, will be complaining this winter when it is bitter cold.

It is human nature to complain about the weather, and I am no different from anyone else.

And, at the very least, it is a subject that cuts across all of us, and it is something that we can all agree upon--

Unless we really like this kind of weather, but I can't imagine anyone really enjoying triple-digit weather ...

Although I know that humans being humans, some of my fellow New Yorkers just love this heat.

But like they say, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen," and I will be staying out of that part of my residence as much as possible while this heat wave continues.

I admit it; I simply can't take the heat.

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