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Friday, July 26, 2024

Rant #3,400: Forget


To close the week, we have reached another milestone.

I can't believe that we have reached Rant #3,400 today.

I never realized I had that much to talk about five days a week, but I guess that I do.

Writing to me is very relaxing ... when I have trouble sleeping, I do some writing, it relaxes me, and I am able to go to sleep right after.

Writing is part of my very being.

My best school subject was always English, I taught myself to read with comic books, and I always enjoyed putting pen to paper ... and now, fingers to the keyboard.

And I am happy that this thing that I created to expand my writing horizons beyond what I do for work--and still do as a freelancer--has also become part of your day.

It is fun, but within the fun, there is a lot of serious stuff here, like what I have written about recently, revolving around the Presidency.

Not everything is fun and games, and I feel that I have to give my opinions, which you are free to agree or disagree with.

I am going to give an opinion here, and again, you can agree or disagree with what I have to say.

I am not the least bit interested in the Olympics, and you just know we are going to hear about the games almost non-stop for the next two weeks.

I was a big Olympics fan when I was younger, but the events that happened at the 1972 Olympics both opened up my eyes about what the Olympics are really all about and turned me off at the same time.

The Israeli athletes who were slaughtered at those games by terrorists--and the intervening years, where up until recently, these horrid events were not put into the perspective that they should have been and were pretty much ignored and forgotten about--completely turned me off of the games.

And then we have Adidas--which will never learn from these horrors, accentuating their Nazi past--which had the nerve to put out a sneaker commemorating the 1972 Olympics.

Not only that, the spokesman for these sneakers was Bella Hadid, the Palestinian-American who has repeatedly voiced anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.

Nope, Adidas hasn't learned yet that any mention of the 1972 Olympics needs to include that terrorist attack--

And to glorify it with a special sneaker ... do they actually think that people don't remember and don't care?

And to do this when there is a war going on in the Middle East related to Israel's very existence ... well, this is just plain stupid marketing, insulting to the memory of those whose lives were taken from them 52 years ago.

Under pressure, the ad campaign was pulled, Hadid was apologized to--no apologies to Israel or to Jews worldwide--but the residue of Adidas even contemplating this insulting marketing maneuver demonstrates not only their insensitivity, but that their Nazi past is never far behind them.

So you roll this all together, and I don't really care about the Olympics, which I find is a two-week cavalcade of phoniness and politics, and has little or nothing to do with sports.

People profess to be so enraptured with the athletes and the events.

They can spout out names faster than you can say Simone Biles.

But a month, six weeks, two months from now, those names will be completely forgotten.

But nobody forgot about 1972.

We might not remember the names of the Isrselis who were murdered, but no one can forget those heinous events ... and sportscaster Jim McKay's description of them.

And I mean no one ... Adidas aside.

Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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