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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rant #2,429: Bits and Pieces

Let's keep the Dave Clark Five vibe alive by bringing back "Bits and Pieces," our look at stories and circumstances that maybe don't deserve a full column to discuss, but warrant some attention, even in short form.

For those of you who don't know, "Bits and Pieces" was a Top-10 hit for the DC5 more than 50 years ago, and its stomp would wake the dead from their eternal slumber.

Much like what we are going to talk about here today.

Eric Garner Cop Fired: If anyone expected a different verdict in a case that happened in a city run by a racist anarchist, well, you should have your head examined.

Just to go over the specifics of the case in brief, five years ago, Eric Garner, a shady character who was selling cigarettes on the street, was told to stop doing so by police. He did not heed what the police told him to do, and was being sassy about it too.

The cops there, including Officer Daniel Pantaleo, tried to reason with this human waste, but Garner refused to listen. The police there were trying to handcuff him for his disobedience, but the problem was that Garner weighed more than 300 pounds and had a breathing condition.

Pantaleo put Garner in a sloppy chokehold, Garner yelled "I can't breathe," and this panhandler died.

Upon his death, he became a symbol of police brutality, and every anti-law politician worth his salt came out of the woodwork, stating that justice would not be served until Pantaleo was fired.

Well, five years later, it happened. Surprise surprise.

Pantaleo is appealing, will most certainly sue the city for millions, and this case has really just begun.

If Garner would have only heeded what the police told him, he would be alive today, but in this lawless city, run by Mayor Bill deBlasio, who somehow believes that his record of incompetence is good enough so he can run for president, a not guilty verdict would not have been tolerated. If that decision came down, you just know that the ignorant, led by the likes of Al Sharpton, would have not been quiet, would have rioted, would have destroyed the very fiber of the city even more than it has been with this incompetent poop at the helm--by the way, a guy that the people of New York voted into the mayor's office not once, but twice.

Ignorance is bliss, I guess, and New York City citizens have only themselves to blame for this entire incident, its aftermath, and what is going to happen now that Pantaleo has been fired.

Good riddance to them. They deserve it.

Tlaib Decides Not to Visit Israel: In a move the demonstrated that all she really wanted to do was to rabble rouse against Israel when she visited there, Congressman Rashida Tlaib, who so wanted to see her elderly grandmother for possibly the final time, has decided not to visit Israel after first agreeing to go there under humanitarian pretenses offered by the Jewish State to her after she was initially rebuked from visiting the country.

Get out the violins on this one. Tlaib initially was going to Israel to spout her anti-Israel rhetoric, going with gal pal and fellow anti-Semite Ilhan Omar to spread the message that Israel was an oppressive country to Palestinians, who only want peace in the region.

They were denied entrance by the Israeli government because it was obvious what they were going to do while there.

Then Israel offered Tlaib an olive branch, If she wanted to see her elderly grandmother, who lives in the region, so badly, they would allow her to do so under humanitarian means.

Tlaib filled out the paperwork, vowed to not spout hate while there, and than at the last minute, reneged on her need to see her grandmother, instead stating that Israel was the bad guy in this entire episode, because they were stifling her free speech.

The congressman is an American-born Palestinian, but she well knows the subterfuge that the Palestinians unleash in that part of the world, always spouting the "victim" gambit, when most people with a brain in their heads know that the Palestinians are really the fly in the ointment in any peace process that goes on in that area.

She used her grandmother as human shield for what she really wanted to do as the Palestinians use their children as human shields against Israeli strikebacks.

And this garbage was elected to our Congress yet.

My Spit Isn't Good, I Guess: A few weeks back, I decided to take the plunge that millions of people have done, which is to have my DNA scrutinized by one of the outfits that do this type of thing. I won't name them now, because the process seems to be ongoing and I don't want to damn them yet, although that time is rapidly approaching.

So I paid my money, got my kit, and the way they do it is that you spit into a tube, seal the tube, and mail it back to analysis. The whole thing is supposed to take several weeks.

Well, I did it and the company sent me an email saying that they could not analyze my saliva, and that I would have to do it again.

No reason was given for this, and I figured that since it wasn't going to cost me any additional charge, I might as well go along with this and just do it.

Which I did ... and yesterday, I received the same message back. They cannot get anything out of what I gave them, so I would have to do it again.

No reason was given, of course, but on my end, I am doing everything right. I am giving them a saliva sample in the morning, prior to me eating or drinking anything, or brushing my teeth. I am sealing the tube correctly, I am putting the tube in the prepaid postage box correctly, what's going on here?

The company won't tell me, even though I did contact them about this.

I brought this up on Facebook, and lo and behold, I am not the only person whose saliva isn't working, and there might be a reason for this.

Evidently, if you are taking any pills or medicine in your daily routine, it might be masking the attributes the company needs to read your DNA from your saliva.

I take a cholesterol pill daily, and I also get steroid-driven allergy shots on a monthly basis.

Hmmmmmm ....

Why the company won't state this in its literature is beyond me.

I will do it one more time, but in my book, three strikes and you are out. If it does not work again, I will ask for my money back and move on.

My Musical Nephews: I have four nephews, three from my sister and her husband and one from my wife's youngest brother and his wife. They are all really good guys, and I love them to pieces.

Two of them are in bands, one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast.

My West Coast nephew came in for a visit the other day, and we talked about his music, and he said he would send me some links to what he has done.

It is not really my cup of tea, but this particular nephew--who is my godson to boot--is a smart guy, so I guess he knows what he is doing.

Here are his links. Give it a try. I did. I still can't hear well after listening to this stuff, and no, they are not the Dave Clark Five.

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