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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Classic Rant #18 (May 28, 2009): I Speak, But No One Responds

This was brought up by one of the people that responds to my posts--the only person to consistently make comments about what I am saying via this blog.

Yes, I guess I am venting a lot of steam in my blog. Sure, it is personal, but I do talk about general subjects that have probably touched everybody at one time or another.

However, the feedback has been minimal at best.

I have tried to expand the reach of the blog, but so far, to no avail. Maybe through you, the regular visitors to the site, you can electronically spread the word that this site is up and running and ready for comments.

Please, let me know what you think about the blog. What you like about it, what can be improved.

I have worked pretty hard on this site. I am trying to do something both fun and stimulating. But I haven't heard from enough of you to know if what I am doing is beneficial in any way.

I know that people from around the world are visiting the site. The counter tells me that the site has been visited several hundred times, and that is with minimum promotion.

So praise me, raise me, dump on me--but please let me know your opinions.

And again, thanks to those who visit on a regular basis.

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