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Monday, May 2, 2022

Rant #2,886: Diamonds Are Forever

Pardon me for the tardiness of this Rant, but I slept real well last night …
After an absolutely wonderful weekend.
As you know, on Thursday, I celebrated my 65th birthday, and on Saturday, my wife and my son threw a party for me, with lots of food, lots of laughs, and yes, lots of surprises.
While my wife and son planned the party to perfection, I think I might have done them one better, because I did my own planning for the party … unbeknownst to anyone.
You can see the video of all of my planning at
It was something that I had been planning to do for years, and well, I finally done did it.
What happened is that a few months ago, I decided that I would do this, and it took a while for me to actually do it, with the “it” being to replace my wife’s diamond ring that was damaged on a cruise that we took at least 10 years ago.
The diamond fell out of the ring, and I remember searching far and wide for it on the ship, but to no avail.
We put in a claim with the ship, but the diamond was never found ... I told my wife that one way or the other, I would get her another ring.
Little did I know it would take so long.
But this time around, I finally decided to do something about it.
I went to the actual jewelry store where I bought the original ring, or so I thought I did.
I went back and forth to this store probably a half dozen times before I actually got in there to do my deed, as the store had weird opening times, and I could never align my schedule to their opening times.
On top of that, with my wife now home due to her own retirement, I really had to pick and choose the times I would go to the store, so as to not arouse any suspicion.
So one day, my wife had to go out for a period of time, like two hours or so, and I felt that this was a good time to do my deed.
So I went to the store, told the storekeeper my story, and he then told me that, in fact, that this was not the original store that I went to, but the jewelry store that replaced it several years ago.
I bought the original ring about 30 years ago, give or take a little bit, and that store had supposedly gone out of business some time later under a cloud of mystery, with the owner of the replacement store telling me that there was some “monkey business” involved in that store’s demise.
OK, I can believe anything at this point.
So I told the owner how much I wanted to spend—or really could spend—and he brought out what I thought was a really nice ring that would fit my wife’s finger perfectly.
I told you that my deed was fully planned, and it was, because my wife takes off her ring when she goes to sleep, so the band that she still wore was off for many nights, and on one of those nights, I simply “borrowed” the ring, put it on a piece of paper, and drew the outline of the ring, so I would get her precise measurement.
And the ring that I was shown fit that measurement perfectly!
I bought the ring, I hid it for a few months, and then the day came, where I turned the tables on my wife during my own party!
It went off without a hitch, although I did screw up my speech a bit.
Employing my wife’s brother’s wife to record the occasion, I gave accolades to a lot of people—including my kids and my mom—but I forgot to applaud my aunt, who was at the party.
And then, I screwed up the speech, which had a Superman bent to it.
I was wearing a Superman shirt, and what I wanted to say was supposed to incorporate some of the mantra that was said at the beginning of each “The Adventures of Superman” TV show … “Superman, who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.”
Well, I left that whole thing out, and went right to the “coal into diamonds” schtick, and even though I knew I had messed up, it went over seamlessly to everybody else.
And it was just perfect!

I got a big kiss from my wife, and that made me feel real good.
Heck, the entire day made me feel real good!
I can be devious if I want to be, even though it is really not part of my nature, but when it is for a good thing, then it is all worth it.
Thanks for all the good wishes for my birthday … I guess I did finally grab the brass (diamond) ring that day.

But I actually grabbed that ring 30 years ago, when I married the girl of my dreams.

This was just icing on the (birthday) cake.

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