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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rant 2,397: Baby You Can Drive My Car

New York, the Empire State, has proven once again what a real lemon it is by passing the so-called "Green Light Law, " which gives illegal aliens the right to hold a valid state driver's license.

The Democrat-backed bill barely passed in the state senate by a 33-29 margin, and those legislators representing certain areas greatly impacted by the flow of these people into their environs--such as Long Island, where MS-13 members, almost all of them here illegally, have disrupted normal life in the usual placid environs--voted against the measure, but to no avail.

Proponents of this legislation state that the ability for illegal aliens--who they so ceremoniously call "undocumented immigrants" so it lessens the blow, in verbiage, of who they really are--to get a valid driver's license will make the roads safer, will boost the economy, and will allow illegals a clearer path to citizenship.

Baloney. And put the baloney on rye, with mustard and a pickle.

All that this legislation has done is to give illegal aliens more rights than they deserve, and it goes against the very meaning of what the word citizen means.

More importantly, it opens up a can of worms that will never be closed, as New York becomes even more of a "sanctuary state" than it already is.

And that is treasonous, I do believe.

New York State has now opened the door for further fraud perpetrated by people who break the law and do not belong here, and for citizens, it is an abridgment of our rights as Americans for the state to be doing this.

First of all, illegal immigrants who have been here for days, weeks, years and decades, are breaking the law by even living here. They never bothered to go through the process of citizenship, so really, why are they here in the first place?

And by giving them driver's licenses, you are legalizing their behavior, which makes things that much worse, including for those aliens who have gone through the process and have become full-fledged citizens of our country.

What do you say to them?

Well, pretty much you spit in their face.

Look, illegals who refuse to become citizens generally do plenty to cement themselves in this country.

They steal names, Social Security numbers, and other valuable information so they are not found out, and try to wiggle out of having a stolen ID if yours has been stolen by these ingrates.

Proponents of the law state that these people will now have to do everything that citizens who own driver's licenses do, including having insurance.

Do you really think that people who have skirted the law by even being here are going to possess valid insurance? You just know that there will be plenty of fraud related to that, too.

Polls, for whatever they are worth, state that more than 50 percent of New York citizens are against illegals having driver's licenses, and this is in an ultra-liberal, treasonous state that welcomes illegals as if they were native sons and daughters.

If even the citizenry of an ultra-liberal state like New York is wary of such a law, why do our legislators embrace such legislation, against their constituents' desires?

Well, as I have said time and time again, you get what you pay for, and by constantly voting in Democrat after Democrat--whose backing of illegal aliens in every way of life is so obviously a ploy to get votes, future and otherwise--this is what you are going to get.

Could New Yorkers expect anything else, in particular with Governor Andrew Cuomo at the helm?

Funny, he even had reservations about the legislation, but for all the wrong reasons.

He said that by giving illegals (no, he doesn't use that term) the right to have driver's licenses, you would not only be giving them the right to drive legally in New York, but you would be creating a database of illegals that could be used by the federal government to launch mass deportations.

Cuomo--one of the all-time two-faced ego-driven political phoneys, just like his father was--said that the only way he would sign such a bill is if the information generated by these driver's licenses could be kept away from the federal government, a further treasonous act.

New York is a leader in illegal immigrant rights. The governor has proposed giving these people free college educations, and he has vowed never to cooperate with the federal government in the immigration process.

By allowing illegals to hold driver's licenses, New York State has crossed the line, gone through the stop sign ... you can use any metaphor you want, but the main thing that the state has done is slap its citizenry right in the face, and told those who have legally gone through the process that they have done so for absolutely no reason.

My grandparents--three of the four--came here 100 years ago to make a better life for themselves and for their families. if this latest nonsense isn't a slap in the face to their legacy, I don't know what is.

One can only conjecture what is next for the state to give illegals, perhaps the right to vote, the right to further use our resources in whatever devilish ways they want, because New York State has now become a place where illegals will gravitate to, since they actually have numerous rights here.

This is opening a Pandora's Box of problems that we can't even imagine yet, but my fellow New Yorkers, you deserve what you get because you constantly vote in legislators who do not care about the actual citizens of this state or country.

The only way to stop this is to vote these cretins out of office when their terms are due.

It is as simple as that.

We need reasonable legislators in New York State and in this country, those who will put the needs and desires of actual citizens above those who just stroll in here and want everything given to them on a silver platter.

Enough is enough.

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