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Friday, March 8, 2019

Rant #2,327: Good Looker

Look, I am a man.

I make no apologies for that, even though in today's world, men are getting attacked left and right for what they do, or are said to do, often without any substantial evidence to that effect.

I point a finger at you, so your are guilty.

Well, about the only thing that I am guilty about is that I like to look at women.

Look, but certainly don't touch.

I have been happily married for the past nearly 26 years to the girl of my dreams, and our bond is as strong as ever.

But heck, that does not mean that I am dead, and I truly admire women who are both beautiful and have the brains inside to match their beauty outside.

Every weekday morning, as I type out my morning Rant, I have in the background the local CBS morning news show, which as you could expect, is manned by generally good looking people of both the female and male persuasions.

But as these shows go, the eye candy is in the women journalists who are on the show, because they not only entice men to watch the show, but the ladies too.

They are just so easy on the eyes, in particular when you are rushing around to get ready for work.

Call me a male chauvinist pig, and you would probably be right, although I don't put these women down by addressing their beauty, I am honoring them for both their beauty and their smarts.

I have done such a column like this in the past, and will continue to do them in the future, so right now, let's look at some of those women journalists who entice my eye--and my mind--in the morning.

First off, you have a member of my New York TV Journalists Hall of Fame, perhaps the charter member, Mary Calvi. She is both beautiful and really smart, and recently became an author, writing a book on unknown facts about historical figures, including George Washington. She is the absolute gold standard, the top of the top, and she leads off a top-flight group of women journalists on the show.

Then you have Alex Denis, the multi-talented journalist who does the traffic reports and often handles anchor duties when Calvi is away, and she also does stand-alone reports on other subjects. She is another smarty, is married to a military service member, and has a smile that can light up a room.

Then you have the reporters who are out on the street covering the stories. They are mostly younger, up and coming journalists who have to pay their dues with on the spot coverage before they can move up to doing in-studio reports.

Among those handling these duties on the show include Janelle Burrell, Ali Bauman and Jenna DeAngelis, all sights for sore morning eyes who are highly professional and know what they are doing when they do these reports on the show.

And, of course, these women do not work each and every day, and they do have substitute reporters filing in where needed, and Cindy Hsu, who has seemingly been with the station forever, and handles news and anchoring duties, is at the top of my list of these journalists.

Vanessa Murdock often handles the weather, but she also does some lifestyle reporting, too.

I actually could go on and on, and if I went into the evening news, there are plenty of all-star eye-candy female journalists there too, but I will stop at the morning report, because space does not allow me to go on and on about this.

And again, I make no apologies for any of this.

And don't tell me CBS is not aware of this too, and that is why these women--and the good looking males on the news shows--are where they are. They are top-notch journalists first, but it does not hurt them that they are also pleasing to the eye.

I am sure that all of us who watch TV news could make up similar lists of great-looking TV journalists, so why not celebrate this rather than downplay it as sexist?

And when I am half asleep, looking to get my day going, these professionals do the trick with their talent and their looks.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, is there?

Speak to you again on Monday. Have a great weekend.

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