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Friday, December 14, 2018

Rant #2,281: I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself

Thank God it's Friday.

Has this week dragged or what?

I think with the holiday approaching, every day feels like five days, even though we are just 11 days away from the big one.

For me, it is just a day off, but boy, will it be welcome!

I need a break.

Well, what do I talk about here today?

I have a choice of topics.

I could talk about what is going on in Washington, the continuing saga that doesn't seem to stop, but you know what? That is just so boring that I will leave it to others to continue to beat that story like a dead horse.

There are so many other stories to talk about ... let's see ... I am sure you read about the kid who had to change his last name from Trump because he was being bullied at school for having this last name.

Yes, it does show the good, healthy upbringing the bully-ers had that they go out and single out an innocent kid just because he has the last name of the President. The bully-ers were supposedly punished for their taunts, but what about the parents? Who punishes them for teaching their kids that wrong is right?

There is another story about an art teacher in England who was fired for allowing students to take nude photos of female classmates for a supposed art project on the human form that they were planning.

When I read a story like this, I have to ask myself where common sense has gone in the Internet age. I also have to ask myself why I didn't ever have teachers like this when I went to school. Heck, my art teacher was a woman who had nails out to here and told myself and my friend that we had no artistic talent at all, which, of course, we all know is the right way to go when speaking to impressionable 11 and 12 year olds.

There are the usual Kardashian sitings, which to me, are about as boring as the shenanigans going on in Washington.

At least the Kardashians of their time--the Gabor sisters, and Zsa Zsa in particular, famous for being famous and for nothing else--were amusing; the Kardashians are pitiful scene stealers. What is worse is that people buy into their nonsense lock, stock and barrel. Trash with money, I guess.

I could talk about the goings on in Las Vegas, where Major League Baseball is holding its annual winter meetings.

What was supposed to be the mother of all baseball swap marts has turned out to be a total dud, with very little happening, and with the likes of Bryce Harper and Manny Machado homeless up to this point. Ever hear about multimillionaires who are homeless? Just go to Las Vegas--what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, apparently.

My family bought me some really nice gift cards for Hanukkah, and I could talk about what I purchased with those gift cards, records and more records and a couple of books to read and pass my time with.

I really did a fine job milking these cards until they were dry, which they almost are, but heck, I figure that there are better things to talk about ...

But I haven't yet found those things--

I will let you know when I do find something to talk about today.

Speak to you again on Monday. Have a great weekend.

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