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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Rant #2,278: My Mistake

Remember in the old days of yore, you would get a box of Cracker Jack and reach down into the gooey mixture of candy-coated popcorn and peanuts and reach for that prize that was right in the box?

How about chewing Bazooka Bubblegum? Not only did you get a piece of sugary, cavity-creating gum for your penny, but you got a comic with Bazooka Joe and his friends, and also an offer for some type of trinket which was printed right below the comic strip?

Well, now kids are getting something else mixed into the stuff that they love, and what they are getting, at least at one Sonic Drive-In restaurant in Texas, is something that is much more evil than a trinket or a comic strip.

According to reports, three employees of a Sonic Drive-In restaurant in Taylor, Texas, were arrested for planting an Ecstasy pill in a kids' meal.

What happened is that a family picked up a kids' meal from their local Sonic, and an 11 year old girl was opening up a hamburger for her four year old brother. She found a blue pill as she unwrapped the hamburger, and asked her mother if it was candy.

The mother drove straight to the local police department with the hamburger and the pill, and the pill was identified as the party drug Ecstasy, which can make one feel giddy, energized and free of any semblance of understanding what they are doing.

The threesome were arrested, and have a variety of charges to deal with now. One of the people arrested has a laundry list of past charges as long as her arm, and one has to wonder if any type of background check was made on this person prior to her being hired by Sonic.

Sonic has apologized for the incident, and life goes on in Taylor, Texas.

I guess if Kim Kardashian decides to fall off the wagon and go back to using Ecstasy--she made her own Ecstasy news last week when she admitted that she was high on the drug when she got married the first time and was also high on the drug when she made her infamous sex tape--Taylor, Texas, might be her destination.

Let's hope not, and let's hope that this is just an isolated incident.

We have heard over the years of pretty strange things turning up in fast foods, including nails and even severed fingers. People have sued fast food restaurants for giving them hot coffee and tea which has spilled on them, disfiguring them for life.

Fast food places have also been accused of distributing food that has made young people fat, and families have sued because their kids just cannot say no to a nice hamburger.

This latest incident is just another of a long line of food-related craziness that happens at fast food places, and I am sure that they also happen at better restaurants too.

I guess any eating establishment is ripe for such things to happen, but it seems we mainly hear these types of things happening at fast food restaurants, because they are such easy targets for these types of crazy things to happen.

Who knows how the Ecstasy got stashed in the kids' meal hamburger, but thank goodness the young girl had the smarts to ask her mom about what the little blue pill was.

And could you imagine if the girl or her younger brother actually ingested this stuff? I think we might be writing a much different story here if that had happened.

Me, I never have had a problem to that extent. Once, many years ago, I went into a local Burger King with my mother and sister, and I ordered a Whopper, which we ended up taking out and eating on the road.

I found that after one bite of the Whopper, I felt funny, and further inspection was that the meat was not cooked. That's right, somehow, I got an uncooked Whopper, and before I got any sicker, it was dumped.

Come to think of it, I never hear about anyone finding money in their kids' meal, or something of value, like an errant piece of jewelry like a ring, which somehow finds its way into these things.

All I hear about are Ecstasy pills and fingers winding up in fast food orders.

One day, I want to hear about an errant lottery ticket finding its way into one of these meals, which is scratched off, and the person who was lucky enough to bite down on the lottery ticket--which has become somehow cooked into the hamburger--wins a big lottery prize.

Now, wouldn't that be a story for the ages?

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