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Friday, August 10, 2018

Classci Rant #852 (November 27, 2012): Cyber Fun Day

So, did you spend scads of money on the Internet during Cyber Monday?

I didn't, but I know that millions did just that. And they did it while they were at work.

Cyber Monday is a day that has been created by the retail industry trade groups to kick start sales on the Internet.

Of course, this is commonplace now, but several years ago, it wasn't.

People couldn't imagine shopping electronically. Heck, you couldn't see and feel what you wanted, and you wouldn't get the extra rush of actually having the stuff immediately, rather than waiting for it.

Well now, shopping on the Internet has become commonplace. Seemingly everyone does it.

I have personally bought dozens of things on the Internet, mainly CDs and DVDs.

And today, people can get those types of things immediately, electronically.

Everything is a file nowadays.

The thing I can't figure out is how people buy more personal things on the Internet.

I am mainly talking about clothing, whether outerwear or underwear.

How do women know if a bra will fit properly if she buys it on the Internet?

How do you know if pants will look right, if tops will look right, heck, even if shoes will fit your foot right if you buy it on the Internet?

I guess it is the modern extension of buying from catalogs.

Since the first Sears catalogs in the 1800s, people have been buying somewhat blind when it comes to clothing.

But they buy ... and buy ... and buy.

I can't buy clothing like that, but millions of people can.

As it is, Cyber Monday has become a multi-billion dollar business.

Personally, I have all my gifts for the holiday, and my holiday is Hanukkah.

It comes on the evening of December 8, so it is a bit earlier than Christmas this year.

But happily, I did not have to buy into Cyber Monday this year.

For me, it was simply a normal Monday. I didn't interrupt my workday to buy like it was going out of style.

Did you?

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