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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Rant #2,108: Snowbird

Well, we finally got it.

The fourth nor'easter that we have had in about the last month finally was the one that did some damage, and did it during the first full day of spring.

It hit late, but once it hit, it hit hard.

I would say that just looking out the window--I haven't gone out yet--we got at least a foot of snow, and I can't tell if it is still snowing. If it is, it is doing it some 20 hours after that snow hit us.

My TV hooked up to the satellite does not work--loss of signal--and just to keep up to date with what is going on, I hooked up my phone to an older HDTV that we occasionally use to watch things off the phone on a larger screen. It is working OK, but I can't get the picture to go to full screen, so I am basically watching my phone on TV, which I guess will have to pass for today.

I have to clean my car and my area so I can get a move on today to work, and I will do that once I finish this Rant and do a few other things.

And yes, we did get off from work early yesterday, at 12:30 p.m., which ended up being nice, because at that point, it really wasn't doing that much, maybe a light snow at best. Since there weren't too many cars on the road--just about all schools were closed--i was able to get home in good time.

My wife had already been let off from work, and my son has Wednesday off, so we were all cozily in the house when the snow really picked up later in the day.

So after a busy half work day--we crammed in as much work as we could in a short period of time--what did I do at home?

Not much.

I think I even took a very short nap sometime in the afternoon, which is better than taking a very short nap while at work.

I did watch one movie that I found on YouTube, another one of these mid to late 1960s grade-Z thrillers that I really enjoy, mainly to see how far the moviemakers could push the proverbial envelope when the censors still ruled what one could, and could not, show on screen.

The film I watched was 1966's "Aroused," directed by Anton Holden and starring such luminaries as Janine Lenon, Steve Hollister, Joanna Mills and Fleurette Carter.

The black and white film is about some loony that kills prostitutes, many of whom he meets in the bar that he works in as a bartender.

The women who work the bar are attracted to him, but he has some mommy/sexual issues, so he can't return the passion to them.

The murders begin, and a detective is assigned to the case. He works the bar, knows the girls, knows the bartender, but he can't piece all of the things together until he entrusts one of the prostitutes to assist him in trying to find out who the guy is who is doing the attacks.

The detective ends up having an affair with one of the prostitutes, but through this single encounter, the prostitute delivers more than sex to him, and he runs off to pursue the bartender/murderer, who he has unwittingly trusted to drive his wife home after his work interferes with a night out that he had planned with her.

I won't spoil what happens, but just let's say that Lorena Bobbit would be proud.

This low budget film was shot on the streets of Manhattan, so it shows the big city more than 50 years ago, and it is quite interesting to see the old venues and buildings that populated the city way back when.

And more than two years before moviedom could open up on the screen, this film shows plenty of nudity, even more suggestion, and lots of blood.

The story is interesting, but the acting is really bad and you know who the killer is almost right away.

It does hold up as a curiosity from a different time, and I would recommend it for those wanting to see the underside of films during this period, right before Hollywood was able to show just about anything and everything on the screen.

You can find it at

So that is pretty much how I spent my half day off.

Now to the snow ...

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