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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Rant #2,098: Workin' For a Livin'

Yes, and drop the "g" for going back ...

To work, that is.

Yesterday was one of the most lovely days I have experienced in a number of weeks, months or even years.

Sure, I woke up at the normal time, wrote a Rant about the apocalyptic weather and the impact it was having on my morning television viewing, and yes, my newspaper did come, and eventually, I merrily went off to work, with just a hint of rain in the air.

I got to work, and because I get there early, I usually have to wait a spell before the door is opened for me to enter and begin my workday.

So before that happens, I sit in my car, sometimes do the crossword, but lately, I have been too tired--and frustrated--to exercise my mind in that way so early in the morning.

So, I did what I have been doing lately before work--go on my phone to check out my email, which is full of supposed job notices and other stuff, much of which I delete.

So I drove into my work's driveway, parked my car in my spot, and took out my phone, going right to the messages.

The first message I read changed the whole day for me, and it was a first for my company, or at least a first in the nearly 22 years that I have been there.

"The office is closed today," it read. Simple as that.

So, with a couple of raindrops hitting my windshield, I drove back home.

Heck, I was so giddy with excitement that I actually stopped in the local bagel shop and bought a dozen bagels!

I arrived home, and found that my wife was not so lucky. She had to go into work on a delayed opening, and she actually worked pretty much the entire day, with her work closing at 3 p.m. And yes, she said she was pretty busy during the day.

My son was off work yesterday, so I let him sleep.

So yesterday, I was basically a free agent. I had absolutely nothing set in stone to do, and I pretty much did what I wanted to do during the entire day.

I did venture out again in late morning to take my mother food shopping, but even late in the morning, all we were getting was a couple of raindrops.

After helping my mother out, I actually went to my local record store, bought a couple of things using a gift certificate that my wife bought me for Hanukkah, and came home for good.

During the day, I watched two absolutely terrible movies that don't bear worth repeating here, but as the snow finally came in a flourish in early afternoon, what was I doing?

I was watching a spring training baseball game from sunny Florida between the Mets and the Yankees.

The game gave me a warm feeling, demonstrating to me once and for all that the warmer weather would be coming here soon, and bringing with it the 2018 MLB baseball season.

For whatever it is worth, the Yankees won the game, but more importantly, my wife finally came home as the snow picked up to fever pitch.

The rest of the day was pretty much gravy, and I went to bed knowing that yes, I lucked out today, but tomorrow was back to reality.

And tomorrow is today.

Here I sit, typing this Rant out past 4:30 a.m., and soon, I am going to have to go outside and survey the damage that the storm inflicted on my car and my wife's car.

I am going to have to clean my car up for the drive to work, and I am going to have to get to work, which might be a chore today.

And I know that once I get there, there won't be another message saying "The office is closed today."

No, the office will be open again today, and I have to prepare myself for another day of toil.

But I really cannot complain.

I won out yesterday big time, and how can I gripe about that?

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