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Monday, March 12, 2018

Rant #2,100: Good Thing

Yesterday, as my mother turned 87 years young, I was hit with a cold.

It really came over me last night, and now, I am a bit under the weather, but raring to go for what looks like a long workweek.

I haven't had a cold in a while, so I really can't complain, but the fact of the matter is that right now, I am not 100 percent.

But while not personally 100 percent, I am 2,100 "percent" in a funny way, because today, the Ranting and Raving Blog celebrates another milestone, reaching the 2,100 mark in posts.

As you know, this Blog--originally simply the Ranting and Raving Blog before it was hacked--has been going on for nine or so years now, and all told, the combined blog probably has more than 2,100 entries, because some of them early on weren't counted as official Rants.

There was also a numbering system problem a couple of years ago, which kind of threw off the totals a bit too.

But whatever the case, however it has been computed, we will direct ourselves as this is the 2,100th Rant, and in my book, that is pretty darn good.

You will find stuff talked about here that isn't spoken about anywhere else, and I try to keep the flow moving each and every weekday that I write this thing.

Sure, I don't always succeed, but as a general interest blog, I think that when you come to this blog, you should be surprised each and every time, and I try to do just that.

Let me tell you, it isn't an easy thing to do.

Sometimes, I know exactly what I want to write about when I put together this blog, like, for instance, this past Friday, when I spoke about my mother's birthday.

Other times, I really and truly have no idea what I want to write about. I have the TV on in the morning to CBS News, and sometimes, I get story ideas just from listening to what they have to say.

And then there are other times where I really have something of a writer's block, and I have absolutely no idea what I want to write about ...

... but somehow, I come up with something, sometimes minor, other times, I have to say that I even surprise myself with writing on the go.

Right now, if we didn't have this 2,100th post coming up, I really don't know what I would have written about today.

Perhaps I would have expanded on my cold, or maybe I would have written about the President's latest gun control plan.

Maybe I would have written about New York pro basketball, which is at the absolute nadir of its existence right now; or, on the other hand, maybe I would have written about baseball's spring training, where hope springs eternal for even the lesser teams in Major League Baseball.

Perhaps I would have written about something else, I just don't know.

But what I do know is that whatever your feelings about what I try to do each day, reaching the 2,100th Rant is something of an accomplishment.

And I also have to thank you, the people who come to this blog to read what I have to say or read all about it on Facebook, for making this Blog possible.

It is really all the payback I need, as I don't make a dime off of this blog, even though it is monetized.

I don't have thousands of readers, and honestly, that is OK with me.

The Ranting and Raving Blog is a touchpoint for a discerning group of readers. I don't promote it, other than on Facebook--try to look it up in your favorite search engine, you probably won't find it--and I kind of like it that way.

So, in conclusion, thanks to all of you, who give me a chance during weekdays to come into your life even for just a few minutes out of your day.

See you tomorrow, as we march toward Rant No. 2,200, which should come sometime in September or October.

Speak to you again on Tuesday.


  1. Larry, your mom is a lovely lady, and I know you love her very much, but everything you wrote about her on a Friday was almost verbatim what you wrote on Mother’s Day, on her birthday last year, etc. anyone who reads your blog on a regular basis is skipping over that post, the post about your dad’s birthday, their anniversary, your wife ...tell us something new if you want to surprise us.

  2. The woman is 87 years old. There is not much new to tell you or anyone else, Robin. Did you do a poll and find out that people were skipping over the entry because it "was almost verbatim what you wrote on Mother's Day, on her birthday last year, etc.?" I wish I could tell you that she did her first sky dive at age 87, or that she climbed Mount Everest at age 87, but her "same old, same old" is part of her charm.

  3. I haven't taken a poll,but I agree with Robin. "There is not much new to tell you or anyone else." You have said it yourself. If I didn't have a compulsion to come here I would have taken a pass. I only have myself to blame.

  4. I don't force anyone to read what I write. If a certain post is found by you to be repetitive, skip over it.

  5. I can't do it. I have a compulsion.

  6. I told you, I can't do it. I have a compulsion.

  7. You also have a compulsion to rarely write anything positive and to often overlook the intent/theme of the article. I mean, my mother celebrated her 87th birthday. That is an accomplishment that should be celebrated. My redundancy? A minor quibble when you look at the whole ball of wax.


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