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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Rant #1,652: What Is On My Mind ... and What Isn't

I have definite thoughts in my head, many of which I end up writing about here at the Ranting and Raving Blog.

Readership and visitation have definitely picked up here, so I guess I have hit a nerve with some of you.

I thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to visit here and read what I have to say.

Some of you take issue with a lot of my thoughts and beliefs, which is fine.

This is America, and this is what our country is supposed to be all about, in spite of what the PC Police would have us believe.

There are certain topics which I have pretty much stayed away from, simply because everybody else is talking about them, and I find them boring as all hell.

I find politics boring, even though I do write about the subject from time to time.

I find the current race for President boring, even though it appears to be the most contentious race of its kind since probably 1968. I think the current race shows that we need a new system to elect our president, and we might even need new parties, or no parties at all. It is 2016, and I don't think what amounts to a two-party system really works anymore.

This time around, it appears we have politicians running against someone who is not a politician, and the politicians don't like that their "Old Boys Club" has been broken into, and that includes the "girl" that is running in the race too.

The non-politician is brash, full of piss and vinegar, and some would say, he is also full of himself.

Yes, he is very much the politician without actually being one, and to me, that is why I believe his opponents hate him, and fear him at the very same time.

Much of the public loves him, the other part of the public hates him.

There appears to be no middle ground with this guy.

Some will be happy if he is elected president, others would rather cut their own throats, or so they say, if he gets the Commander in Chief's spot.

I don't necessarily like the guy--I had dealings with his company when I was writing about real estate for a living, and they were never very kind to my company or to me--but I respect him immensely.

He is a formidable force, for sure, and his opponents know that.

The results of the primaries show that a lot of people have faith in him as our future leader, but time will tell if he is even the nominee of his party.

As for me, I look for change, and change we will get if this fellow is elected as our next president.

I don't like who is in that spot now, and I feel that those running in his party for the nation's top spot will simply continue his policies, and I don't like what he has brought us during the past eight years.

Thus, I cannot support either of the two candidates from his party for president.

Again, I don't necessarily like the supposed front runner from the other party, but to stop the ruling party from continuing its reign, I will vote for the other party for president, no matter who the candidate of that party is.

I might have to hold my nose doing it, but I cannot vote for a party where I oppose just about everything that they have done and said and vow to do with four more years at the helm.

I don't like where this country is going, both domestically and internationally, and I think a change at the top would be a good thing.

Who leads that change is another matter, and that is our job as Americans, to vote in who we think is the most worthy to hold such an important position.

And this guy believes we need a change, and if it is huge change, so be it.

So there, I have written a political story where I have not mentioned a single name of a candidate.

If you remember, a few Rants ago, I basically endorsed a party for the top spot, but I bandied about with names and parties like there was no tomorrow.

Here, I have stayed away from that, although I think I made my point.

Change is good, and a change at the top now is good, too.

Yes, all those creative writing classes I took in school have really paid off for me, haven't they?


  1. Your"...thoughts about her..." I'd rather hear about those than politics.

  2. I said exactly what I feel about her, since she is probably going to be that party's candidate. The same old, same old, and I cannot support someone who is simply going to give us four more years of what we've already gone through for the past eight years.


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