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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Rant #1,463: July 4 on July 2

Summer has started, and we are all revving up for the July 4 Independence Day celebration.

Like many people, I have off tomorrow, so I just have to get through today at work, and then I am in for a good, old fashioned three-day holiday weekend.

But I want to start the holiday today.

I went through some past July 4 posts, and I am going to rerun one of them, Rant #996 from July 3, 2013.

After a little bit of editing, it pretty much sums up what I am feeling today, as it did two years ago, on the cusp of this holiday.

"What are you doing on July 4?

Well, what I can say is that I am doing next to nothing, which I think is pretty good, at least for me.

I don't have to go to work, so at least I can get off that hamster track for one day.

Thus, if I don't have to go to work, I can pass on two things that I abhor: wearing a tie and shaving, at least for one day.

I can sit at home and do little or nothing, which is exactly what I plan on doing.

Anyway, I will probably watch some baseball on TV.

Baseball and July 4 go together like peanut butter does to bread.

You thought I was going to say "and jelly," but I hate jelly.

Anyway, we will have a barbecue.

Barbecues and July 4 go together like ... well, peanut butter to bread.

We always have a barbecue on July 4, because it is the traditional thing to do.

My wife, who doesn't eat much red meat but is not a vegetarian, eats her one beef hot dog that day.

Hebrew National, of course. (It's not what you see in the photo accompanying this Rant, but I did my best.)

I like Nathan's hot dogs, but Hebrew National is my choice for the best commercial hot dog on the market today.

It simply tastes better than other hot dogs.

And it is kosher, supposedly, so it is held to a higher manufacturing standard.

Later that night, we will hear fireworks all around us, and we might watch fireworks on TV.

I am not as excited by fireworks as some people are.

To me, it is little more than a lot of noise.

And then, that will be July 4 for me.

And we also have July 5 off this year, since July 4 in 2015 is on a Saturday.

Then it is Monday, we will all go back to work, and it will be as if July 4 never happened."

And let's not forget, we are celebrating everything it took for our country to win its independence on July 4.

All the blood, sweat and tears it took for us to be independent.

In today's day and age, independence is something that should not be taken for granted.

With mind control wielded by the PC Police, our independence of thought is being abridged, and July 4 is a day not only to celebrate our nation's independence, but the fact that we are not robots, and we can think for ourselves.

Please keep those things in mind around the barbecue on July 4.

Speak to you again on Monday.

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