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Friday, September 27, 2024

Rant #3,544: Blowin' In the Wind

It actually rained yesterday!

It wasn't a soaking rain, but it will do for now.

I didn't have to do a rain dance to open the sky up, it just did its thing ... finally.

I just wish that Hurricane Helene wasn't coming to Florida, where it almost promises not only incredible downpours, but death and destruction in its wake.

I hope all Rant readers in the Southeast come out OK from this, but forecasters say it is almost a given that this hurricane is going to be a big one ... maybe even THE big one.

It is destined for the Big Bend of Florida, and will also impact Georgia, the Carolinas, and depending on its path, probably other areas.

Good luck to those in the path of this storm.

And a storm of another sort is making a direct hit on Mayor Eric Adams of New York City, who is facing charges of corruption and payoffs related to everything from plane rides to work allocation. 

He is the first New York City mayor ever to be indicted while still in office.

Over the past few months, members of his administration have had their homes raided, their cellphones confiscated, and their lives looked into from head to toe.

Evidently, the federal authorities have found plenty of evidence against Adams and everyone from the police commissioner to the school chancellor--

And consequently, there have been a rash of resignations and retirements tied into this investigation, and many in New York City are demanding the mayor resign ASAP.

Right now, the mayor has refused, and vows to fight on while running the city--

Unless that decision is taken put of his hands, which it could be, if New York State Governor Kathy "The Yokel" Hochul decides that it would be more prudent for him to be removed by her from his post.

What a mess!

And with the rain finally falling down from the sky, I am sure Adams is singing the old song, "Don't Let the Rain Fall Down On Me," because right now, the whirlwind is right on top of the mayor.

I don't know how he is going to work his way out of this, but it should be interesting to see how the mayor is going to talk himself out of the abyss that he is in right now.

When people are on the top, they have further to fall to hit the ground from their lofty position.


Have a good weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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