Happy Labor Day!
My family and I might go out to dinner later today, but that is pretty much it.
We can't barbecue anymore, so this is what we are left with.
We are entering a little bit of a rough period for my family now, so this is a period of subdued remembrance for us, and not a lot else.
My father died on Labor Day 2020, which was on September 7 of that year, so Labor Day--whenever it is each year--will always be a bit of a somber day for my family and I from here on in.
The holiday is five days earlier on the calendar than it was four years ago, so we will have a nice dinner, but I know my father will be on my mind.
And on September 5, it will be one year since my mother passed, so again, that will be a bit of a somber day for us.
And next month, it will.mark the fifth anniversary of me losing my job--
But let's not push it ... the Jewish High Holy Days are also coming up, so I would like to take it a little slower ... as is the anniversary of my first injury--
These are.things I would like to put off thinking about until they actually come.
And you know what came in the mail on Saturday?
My handicapped parking space permit!
As I have said, I do not feel handicapped in the least, but when push comes to shove, if I cannot find a "Visitors" space in my housing development even though dozens of spots are unused, well, I will simply have to use thst pass to park in a handicapped spot.
I am not going to be the least bit vindictive about it.
I will first look for a "Visitors" spot, where I park 99 percent of the time to begin with.
But if I drive from one end of the development to the other--and back again--and there are no.open "Visitors" spots, then I will park.in the handicapped spot.
As I described to you last week, I simply will not have a choice.
I have spoken to.the Suffolk County Police and a lawyer friend who is very knowledgeable on disability cases, and they both agree that I cannot get towed for parking "iegally" in a handicapped parking spot, as long as the pass is visible in my car's front window.
Sorry, I was pushed into getting this pass, because as a resident of this development, I should not have to worry, each time I leave the premises and then come back, and can't find a space--even though there are dozens of empty spaces.
Since managment agrees with me but has no clue how to rectify this predicament, well, sometimes, you have to.do what you have to do.
I was pretty amazed that I received the permit so quickly, but now that I have it, I will use it--but only when necessary.
That is the way it is.
Have a nice holiday.
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