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Monday, September 23, 2024

Rant #3,540: Move On

We had the unveiling of my mother's stone yesterday morning. The sun was out, but it wasn't that warm, and it was a beautiful day outside. I think my mother would have liked that.

Those assembled at the site paid tribute to my mom, with lots of tears and lots of reminiscences ... and even a couple of giggles.

My sister made a great speech, led us in the final prayer, and did an overall fabulous job honoring my mom.

My son and my nephew, at my suggestion, pulled the shroud off the stone, which I think was a nice thing.

It kind of signified the passing of the torch of our family, as these two are the youngest of her grandkids ... and the future is squarely in their hands, and the sky is the limit for them.

After the cetemony, those assembled scattered, some of us going back to their homes, and others went out to lunch to continue their day.

I think my mom would have liked that; do what you need to do, and then move on. 

Enough fuss, get on with it!

My family and I were among those who went out to lunch, and a nice time was had by all.

On Friday and Saturday, my son had his basketball and bowling sessions, and he did well at both.

At basketball, he hit a couple of nice baskets, and at bowling, he rolled two good games in leading his team to a sweep of those games.

I know he enjoyed himself, and as for me, it kind of took me away from what was going to happen on Sunday, and I think I had as much fun as my son did!

So as I described, it was an up and down weekend, and now we have to move on, but packed with great memories of both my mom and dad and their very full lives.

They were great parents, and great grandparents, and we will never forget either one of them.

But it is time to move on. The baton has been passed ...

As my mother used to say--

"Bye now."

There really isn't much more to say about it.

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