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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Rant #2,968: Another Day

How was your Labor Day?
Did you frolic in the water and sand, did you barbecue, did you have fun in the sun?
Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day for me.
My family and I did not frolic in the water or the sand, we did not barbecue, and we did not have any fun in the sun.
We pretty much did not much of anything, which I guess is not so bad during a holiday.
In the morning, I went out and did the “civic” thing to do which is to bring in my bottles for recycling.
And while doing so, I had the pleasure of meeting up with an elderly lady who kept on telling me that I was putting the bottles in the wrong way, at the very same time that most of the bottles I had were being taken by the machine.
“You are putting the bottles in the wrong way,” she said, over and over, as the crunch of each bottle was being heard throughout the recycling area of my local supermarket.
She said this over and over and over, and while I was polite to her—she must have been in her 80s at least—since I go every two weeks to recycle my bottles—and recycled about 1,759,60,815,060 or so bottles during the past couple of decades or so—I think I know how to put the bottles into the machine by now … and I even know the trick about taking the bottle caps off at this point in time.
“You are doing it wrong” … In addition to Labor Day, it must have also been “Opposite Day” too.
So I did all of this and came home, and I plunked myself down in front of the television and watched the Yankees game.
Happily, they won, Aaron Judge hit his daily home run, and that was that for me for the day, pretty much.
I did also take out the garbage for pickup, and that is something I want to talk about with you.
As usual, I put the pail on our curb, and since yesterday was a holiday, I guess the garbage will be picked up tomorrow instead of today.
But I have noticed the past few weeks that it isn’t only my family’s garbage that is being picked up in that pail.
Someone in the neighborhood is throwing out not just their own water bottles in our garbage pails, but more importantly, they are throwing out their dog refuse in there too, which is not only being extremely lazy, but it eventually attracts other feral animals to our garbage, which they end up destroying and leaving the remains all over the street and on our lawn.
We have tried to pinpoint who is doing this, without success, but it has gotten to the point that they do it each and every day, without fail, when the pail is out.
I have it pretty much figured out that whoever is doing it is doing it very early in the morning, because when I get out there usually sometime after 6 a.m., the stuff is already in there.
This is not only lazy, but also disgusting, and I aim to find out who is doing it and stopping them in their tracks … but how I am going to do it is beyond me.
I could sit in my car all night and watch for people walking their dogs, but why should I put myself in a situation where I am sleeping with one eye open in my car?
I think the best thing to do is to simply alert the perpetrator of this nonsense. that we know what you are doing, and we are watching you, perhaps with a sign attached to the pail, or something to that affect.
I don’t know what else to do, but I am sick of picking up garbage all over the place—including the dog stuff—a few times a week.
When we owned a dog—the late and lamented Max—we never used other peoples’ garbage pails to throw out his refuse. We used our own, just like what other civilized people do.
So why is this person being so lazy?
Again, we have been in the “lazy” mode since the pandemic hit and I do believe a lot of people look for the easy way out of everything, whether it is at their jobs or even when throwing out dog refuse.
So that is my focus right now, finding out who is doing this and letting them know that this is not the right thing to be doing.
What a life I have, what a life …
Between being told how to put bottles into the recycling machine and trying to find out who is putting dog doo in my garbage pail, the world is certainly my oyster, isn’t it?

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