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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Rant #2,795: TNT

And to follow up on yesterday’s Rant, of course the COVID numbers are up …
When you test more people, you are going to find more COVID.
The one thing we pretty much all can agree upon is that this virus is as sneaky as can be, and I will bet that people had COVID and didn’t even know they had it because they had absolutely no symptoms.
Now, the population has to get tested left and right by either mandates or because someone near them came up positive, or perhaps they are traveling for the holidays, so obviously, when there is more testing, there are going to be more positives.
We are doing much more testing then we were doing even a month ago, so there almost has to be a jump in the rates.
And with his latest variant, for about 99 and 9/10ths of the population that gets it, it is simply either without any symptoms at all or with minor symptoms that go away after a few days, so I think we—or more to the point, our continuing-to-be-clueless leaders—are making a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to taking us beyond panic mode this time around.
And the proof of the pudding is that in New York, hospital rates have pretty much remained the same right now, so yes, testing has shown that this variant jumps form one person to another rapidly, but this variant doesn’t send people to the hospital.
Closing Broadway shows, preventing players from playing their sports, shuttering many other venues … we seem to be going back to a year or more ago, when we were told to protect ourselves, literally, against each other.
Yet politicians like Mayor deBlasio of New York—who is normally among the kings of panic—has not yet cancelled the New York New Year’s Day bash in Times Square where potentially a million people can gather in a few square blocks to see the ball drop.
He said that he will make a decision by Christmas … and we know why he is waiting so long.
This way, you keep the tourists and their money in Manhattan.
If, for instance  you say the thing is canceled today, these tourists will flee the Big Apple and take their money elsewhere, with Manhattan businesses losing millions of dollars for Christmas and New Year’s.
So he does not follow the science, as if any of our leaders have since Day One of this scourge.
And by the way, our son’s full COVID test came back negative, so we and he are good to go right now.
Not that I even thought that any of us would come up with a positive, but it is good ot know that our son is OK both with the rapid test and the main test, and that my wife and I are OK with the rapid test.
And on the political and race-baiting matter, remember how our leaders were stating just a few months ago—and even now—that there were racial disparities related to certain areas and people getting the virus disproportionately related to their standing in our society?
Well, it has just come out that at least on Long Island, communities of color—those that were supposedly disproportionately impacted by the virus—are now showing lower positivity rates than areas considered to be “white.”
Yes, at least on Long Island, the tables have seemed to turn, if the tables were even there in the first place, which I highly doubt.
In fact, where I live, there might just be the highest concentration of positives on Long Island, and I live in what is considered to be a “white” area.
Talk about politicians using the virus to fulfill their own personal agendas!
There really is nothing else to say about the virus.
It exists, it is real, but it is being milked for all that it is worth by our politicians and supposed medical experts, and has since Day One.
I would love to put this subject to bed, but our leaders simply do not want us to.
With Christmas and New Year’s coming up, they have warned us to take extra care when we have gatherings, to check people’s vaccination status at the door, to wear masks indoors in our homes or others’ dwellings, and basically, if we can, to simply not have gatherings during this time period.
I actually heard one supposed expert state yesterday that we should look back on our Thanksgiving gatherings as sufficient enough to forego gatherings for Christmas and New Year’s.
He basically said, “If you met with your family and friends during Thanksgiving, you don’t need to meet with them again for Christmas or New Year’s.”
I mean, are people even realizing how stupid they sound when they spout out such drivel?
We are going to get out of this mess that we have put ourselves into when we realize, once and for all, that we are not going to eradicate this virus, at least not right now.
It exists, we are going to have to learn to live with it, and the rapidity of the shots that our scientists have developed is because the shots are NOT vaccines, they are mitigaters, shots that will lessen the discomfort that we have from the virus.
Yes, it takes years to develop a true vaccine for this or any other virus—it took 25 years to develop a vaccine, a true vaccine, for the pandemic we had in 1917—and it will be developed within time.
That is why the use of the word “vaccine” for the current shots is so idiotic, because these shots cannot possibly do what true vaccines do.
But right now, let’s realize that the time for a real vaccine is in the future, that there are things we can do to lessen the impact right now, and let’s do them, and stop this manufactured panic.
The current situation closes the book on 2021 in a horrid way, and there really is no need for this situation to be as it is. 

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