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Friday, December 3, 2021

Rant #2,782: Radioactive

Yesterday, during the prime news hour for local television, each one of the local stations in the New York Metropolitan Area broke into their respective local newscasts with “Breaking News” so crucial to today’s world that each station found it necessary to present a news conference that viewers just needed to see.
It stands as one of the most embarrassing news conferences ever held in the New York Metropolitan Area, and perhaps on television in general.
At some time around 6 p.m. or so—when local stations are presenting their last half hour of local news dovetailing into the national news programs that all the network stations present at 6:30 p.m.--each news show broke away for “Breaking News”—a news conference featuring three bigwigs in New York State who were going to fill us in on the latest and most breaking news about the emergence of the omicron variant of the coronavirus, which is adding a new wrinkle to the pandemic.
The three bigwigs—New York State Governor Kathy :The Yokel” Hocul—who wears a “Vaxxed” necklace around her neck as if it were a religious symbol—New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio—the most infuriating, if not the worst mayor in city history who, by the way, is supposedly running against Hocul for the Democratic nod for governor—and Dr. Dave Choksi, New York City’s health commissioner—who has become as ubiquitous on local television as Madge the Manicurist and Josephine the Plumber were Ito earlier generations of TV viewers—were going to give us the inside scoop about how this new variant had the audacity to permeate the invisible walls of the Empire State.
Viewers were told how the first case of the variant came from someone who visited the state to attend an anime convention at the Javits Center, where 50,000 people had gathered.
He was fully vaxxed—even had the booster—but he still got it, and we were told that anyone at the same show as he should be tested for the virus.
We were also told that his symptoms were very mild—maybe a headache and some tiredness—and that it lasted for a day or two or three and that was that.
Then we were told--with the urgency of someone who needed a bathroom fast—of four others in the state who have tested positive for the variant.
Two come from Queens, two come from elsewhere in the city and state—one from Suffolk County on Long Island—and although their vaccination status was unknown, they all seemed to have mild, if any, symptoms.
Meaning that none of them were en route to the hospital as these three stooges spoke, none of them were on their death beds, and none of them were dying of this variant.
And then Hochul, who had been fumbling over her words in trying to tell us about the others with the variant as she treed to make this as dramatic as possible, said the ultimate jab at the population who were taking in this news conference:
“We are not trying to create panic. We are trying to inform you about what is happening.”
Well, if you only know that five people have tested positive for the variant, you don’t know their shot status, you provide little information about where they are from, but you tell us that they all have mild symptoms, then what exactly are you doing when you set up a news conference like this?
I just know that the local stations were ready to pull the plug on this news conference right then and there, but they let it go a few more minutes so that reporters could ask the trio a few questions.
One was the inevitable “How can we protect ourselves against the new variant?” which was asked early on in the back-and-forth, and Choksi pretty much said the obvious: “Get yoiur shots, get your booster shots, social distance, wear yoiur masks, wash your hands … .”
Yes, the same old, same old, and that is precisely when the local stations pulled the plug on this ridiculous news conference, and went to their local weather and sports reports, which appeared to be more important than what these three lemmings had to say, which was next to nothing.
And the thought that they weren’t there to panic the population—c’mon now, that supposed breaking news conference was specifically set up to panic the population into either getting their first shots or getting the booster shot, the latter of which was dragging badly with the population that took the two shots but is really thinking hard about getting the third shot.
And more to the point, while it appears that the new variant might be more contagious than the other variants, based on at least the small sample size, it appears that the affects of getting the variant are pretty mild, akin to getting the common cold, and after a few days, you are back to fighting strength.
I am not minimizing the variant or the larger COFID-19 virus by saying this. The virus exists, at its most extreme, it can be deadly, but in 99 percent of the cases, while people suffer, they do rebound and recover.
If you are going to have such a news conference, make it a substantial one, not the canard that yesterday’s “Breaking News” get-together turned out to be.
I mean, even the local media eventually tuned out of this news conference, the same media that is pushing the entire pandemic as if it is the latest “Long Island Lolita” yellow journalism escapade.
The bottom line is this: we are simply going to have to learn to live with this virus, which is something I have been saying for months and months.
This thing is NOT going away so quickly, if at all "vaccine" or not.
We cannot close down the world again because a new variant comes to the fore.
Do what you can do as individual to lessen the chances that you will get the virus, just like you do with the flu and the common cold.
And if you by chance get the virus, chances are you will get it at whatever level and that after a while, you will probably be back to your normal health, or at least somewhere near it.
Again, yes, people die from this thing, as they do from the flu and other airborne diseases.
But we have never panicked the population over any of those diseases as we have with this one.
It is time to step back and look at what we have done to ourselves, and reconsider continuing that stance as we move forward.
And the only place to go with this is to move forward and get over the fact that the coronavirus is going to be part of our lives, our children’s’ lives, and succeeding generations’ lives.
Have a great weekend, and I will speak to you again on Monday.

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